Chicken noodle soup

There’s nothing quite like the soothing warmth of a well-made chicken noodle soup. Whether it’s nursing a cold, helping you feel cozy on a rainy day, or bringing a tub around to a friend – it’s the ultimate recipe of love. If the thought of making this soup still relies on opening a can, perhaps it’s time step it up, and learn how to make it from scratch. After all, fresh is always best.

Scrambled eggs

The humble scrambled egg, an unassuming but delicious dish. Sounds easy to make, yes, but getting them fluffy, creamy, and just right requires practice and patience. Sure, they’re a breakfast staple, but knowing how to whip up a batch means you’ve mastered the basics. If your mornings still involve questionable egg textures, take some time to refine.

Baked salmon

The world of seafood might seem intimidating, but baking a salmon should absolutely be on your culinary checklist. Not only is it a healthy protein option, but its flavors provide an elegant dish that’s surprisingly simple to prepare. A squeeze of lemon, a hint of dill, and you have a dish that you can use as a dinner party centrepiece. Beyond that, its Omega-3 goodness is a win for your health.

Spaghetti marinara

Italian cuisine is known for its simplicity and delicious flavors, and spaghetti marinara is a classic staple. Knowing how to prepare this dish isn’t just about boiling pasta – it’s mastering the art of the tomato sauce. With the perfect balance of garlic, tomatoes, and herbs, you’ve got a perfect sauce to enjoy – either by itself or with added vegetables or proteins. Plus, it’s a surefire hit for kids and adults alike.

Roast chicken

It’s the meal that you’ll see at Sunday lunches, family gatherings, and comforting evenings. Knowing how to roast a chicken is a skill that signifies you’ve mastered the basics of cooking meat. Once you’ve managed to achieve that crispy skin, juicy inside, and flavors in every bite, well, you’re ready to host. Add in some roasted potatoes and veg – and you’re onto a winner. Because, by 30, shouldn’t you be the one making memories around the dinner table?


The stir-fry is a classic healthy meal that you can whip up even in a rush. It’s quick, it’s colourful, and it’s nutritious. Knowing how to create a tasty stir-fry is all about embracing versatility in the kitchen. With endless combinations of vegetables, proteins, and sauces, a stir-fry can be as adventurous or as classic as you’d like. It’s a great meal to learn to improve your kitchen freestyling.

Burger and chips

Sometimes, comfort is found between two buns and a side of crispy fries. The perfect burger is a balance of flavors – the juicy patty, the fresh lettuce and tomato, and that special sauce. Master this, and you can skip the drive-thrus and enjoy the perfect burger from the comfort of your home. Being able to craft you own gourmet by the time you’re 30 is a job well (or medium well) done!


Risotto is a dish that many people struggle to get quite right. This creamy Italian dish that’s all about patience and persistence. Stirring continuously might seem boring, but it’s key. The result is a plate of rich, comforting goodness. With base ingredients as simple as arborio rice and broth, it’s up to you to personalise as you see fit. As you approach 30, a perfected risotto technique and your choice of add ins can be your signature dish to impress.

Fried rice

This Asian staple is all about turning leftovers into a delicious masterpiece. It might seem simple, but achieving the perfect fried rice – non-greasy, well-seasoned, with just the right texture – is a skill worth mastering. Mix in vegetables, protein, eggs, and any other ingredients you desire. It’s a great quick-fix dish to make sure nothing in your fridge goes to waste – without having to compromise on taste.

Mac and cheese

Ah, the childhood favorite that never really left our side. Mac and cheese from a box may have been a childhood favourite, but it can be so much more than that. Learn how to nail down a perfect homemade version, complete with a crispy top and creamy center, and then personalise it and see what levels you can elevate it to.

Vegetable curry

OK, now it’s time to dive into the world of spices. Nail a simple vegetable curry first – and then add and adapt to create your perfect combination. A good vegetable curry should be bursting with veggies and spices – and it’s not just about the heat, but the layers of flavor that build with each bite.


The Spanish one-pot favorite, paella is a colorful combination of rice, saffron, vegetables, and if you fancy a mix of meats and/or seafood. This dish is a celebration in a pan, and creating it is a dance of flavors and textures. Plus, with its grand presentation, it’s the perfect dish to show off with if you’re hosting a dinner party, or simply for a special date night.


The layers of pasta, cheese, meat, and flavorful sauces – that’s what lasagna is all about. This Italian classic is not just about stacking ingredients but about being able to combine your flavors with every layer. If you’ve mastered the perfect lasagna by the age of 30, you’ve got a guaranteed crowdpleaser. Oh, and don’t forget: it reheats well, meaning easy leftovers for days to come.

Chicken parmesan

This is a great dish, and one where you can utilise one of your staple dishes you mastered earlier – the marinara. It’s all about achieving that perfect balance: a juicy chicken cutlet coated and fried to perfection, paired with your perfect marinara sauce and melted cheese. It’s a staple of Italian-American cuisine, so is key to have in your repertoire.

Fettuccine Alfredo

This meal is a crowd favourite at Olive Garden – it’s creamy, rich, and every pasta lover’s dream. When dining at home, you might be tempted to buy it pre-made, but it’s really not too challenging to make and nothing beats a homemade sauce. With the right combination of cream, butter, and parmesan, you have a sauce worthy of any Italian restaurant. Not to mention the money you’ll save by eating in!

Vegetable soup

A hot bowl of vegetable soup is the definition of comfort and nourishment. And, the beauty of this dish? You can tailor it according to seasonal veggies (or to the ones you need to use up in your fridge!) and add a touch of your own taste. Plus, mastering a simple veggie broth means you’ve got the foundation for countless other recipes. Having your own vegetable soup recipe up your sleeve is handy for a quick, healthy lunch, or a chilly evening in.

Grilled cheese

Not just a sandwich but a mood in itself. The perfect grilled cheese is crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, and just the right amount of golden brown. Perfect for a quick lunch, a snack, or paired with tomato soup or even your vegetable soup, this is comfort food at its best. Approaching 30 and wanting to make it a little more ‘fancy’? Think about elevating your childhood favorite with gourmet cheeses or added fillings.

Beef wellington

This one is on the other end of the cooking spectrum to the humble grilled cheese. It can be a showstopper of a dish – perfect for when you want to impress. Encasing tender beef in a layer of mushrooms and puff pastry may sound complicated, but with the right approach, it’s entirely doable. It’s about precision and timing. Mastering this dish signifies you’ve moved past the basics of cooking and are venturing into the world of gourmet food.


Who doesn’t love the joy of a lazy Sunday morning with a stack of pancakes? Whether you like them thick and fluffy or thin and crepe-like, pancakes are a versatile treat. Top them with syrup, fresh berries, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar. If you’ve only ever relied on pre-made mixes, perhaps it’s time to find your signature pancake recipe.


Whisk, pour, and fold. The omelette is a step up in difficulty from scrambled eggs. Whether you like it filled with cream cheese just like the famous omelette from The Bear, or if you prefer a simple cheese and ham, achieving that correct texture on the outside without leaving the inside raw, is something you should learn. It’s a versatile dish – be brave with your choice of fillings and enjoy it at breakfast, lunch, or even dinner.

Vegetable chilli

Who said chilli needs meat? A vegetable chilli is a warming, tasting combination of beans, vegetables, tomatoes, and spices. It’s hearty, spicy, and packed full of nutrition. The best part? It’s adaptable to taste and what you have on hand. Plus, it freezes well. So, whether you’re cooking for a family meal or a potluck, cook more portions than needed, pop the extra in the freezer, and reheat a portion whenever you don’t feel like cooking.

Turkey dinner

Mastering a turkey dinner means conquering many people’s most cherished meals. And, from ensuring the meat is succulent and tender to crafting the perfect stuffing and all the accompanying sides, it can feel like a multitasking nightmare. Practice makes perfect – seek help from older family members, and don’t feel too disheartened if it’s not perfect on your first go!

Spaghetti bolognese

Who doesn’t love a good spag bol? This one is another great meal that you can cook in batch, and grab out of the freezer for a comforting meal whenever you fancy. Mastering your perfect bolognese sauce involves plenty of trial and error. Don’t follow a recipe word for word – add and change your herbs as suits you – some prefer a lot of red wine for a super rich sauce, whereas others prefer more herbs and a lighter sauce.

Mashed potatoes

Creamy, buttery mashed potatoes are the perfect side to many a meal. But it’s not just about boiling then mashing potatoes — it’s about achieving that silky-smooth texture without any lumps. Whether you’re team butter, cream, or both, by 30 you should know how to create your ideal mash. Plus, it’s a versatile side, ready to be flavoured with garlic, cheese, or herbs as you see fit.


This Mexican favorite is not just for quick lunches or casual dinners. With endless possibilities from cheese combinations to various fillings, mastering the perfect quesadilla means a quick and delicious meal is always within reach. Spice it up or keep it simple, but make sure to get that tortilla golden brown.

Homemade pizza

Forget delivery or frozen pizza! Making your pizza at home is cheaper, healthier, and completely personalised to you. From crafting the perfect crust – be it thick, thin, or stuffed – to selecting toppings that go beyond just pepperoni or cheese, the art of pizza-making is something everyone should give a go at least once. And don’t fret, no need to invest in a pizza oven, a normal oven will work just fine.


Credit V 2 via Wikimedia Commons

There are not many meals more comforting on a chilly day than a warming bowl of beef stroganoff. This Russian classic, while it might seem complex, is surprisingly easy to make. And for another level of ease, if you’re cooking for a vegetarian – you can easily swap the beef out for mushrooms. Two dishes in one!


A good bowl of guacamole is always a crowd favourite. Made from creamy, smashed avocados, this dish is all about balancing the rich texture with the tanginess of lime and the kick of chili. With a hint of garlic and maybe a sprinkle of cilantro, by 30, your guacamole should be the star of any taco night or summer BBQ. Just remember to make extra – it’s always the first to go!

Chili con carne

We’ve talked about the veggie chili, but it would be amiss to leave the classic chili con carne off the list. Now, there are countless variations of this dish, but the basics involve a savory blend of meat, beans, tomatoes, and spices. Whether you like it spicy or mild, with beef or turkey, it perfecting your chili means being confident in having a pot of deliciousness ready for cost nights or for big gatherings.

Baked potato

A perfectly baked potato, with a crispy skin on the outside and a fluffy, soft interior, is an understated meal. Yes, it might sound simple, but actually achieving that ideal texture requires a few more steps than simply chucking it in the microwave or oven. Educate yourself on the correct steps and then top it off with butter, cheese, or even some of your chilli for a tasty meal.

Caesar salad

More than just lettuce and croutons, a good Caesar salad is all about the perfect dressing. Many don’t know this, but it’s actually anchovies that give a Caesar dressing that unique taste. While it might appear as a simple dish, perfecting the balance and ensuring each ingredient shines is a craft. But once you’ve got it – you’ve got yourself a light meal or starter for any occasion.

Chicken pie

Remember that hilarious ‘buttery flaky crust’ advert? As funny as it was, it is what’s key to creating a perfect chicken pie – combining the heartiness of a stew with the satisfaction of baked pastry. It’s towards the end of this list given its slightly more advanced technique, so it’s best tackled after mastering some basic dishes. Once you’re comfortable with those you’ll be set to create this warm, comforting classic.


Cooking a steak to perfection is both an art and a science. It’s all about understanding heat, timing, and seasoning. As you approach 30, knowing how to cook a steak not just to your preferred doneness, but also to others, is a testament to your cooking abilities. Accompanied by a side of your perfectly mashed potatoes or a simple salad, and you have a meal to impress even the fussiest of eaters.

Banana bread

We couldn’t forget a couple of sweet treats on this list. After all, banana bread can be counted as a whole meal, right? Banana bread is not just delicious, it’s also economical. Gone are the days of disposing overripe bananas. Instead, transform them into this comforting loaf. You can even store the overripe bananas in the freezer to use as a a go-to recipe for last-minute guests.

Chocolate chip cookies

Ah, the smell of freshly baked cookies – is there anything better? There are so many variations and recipes out there, and by 30, you should not only have your own signature cookie recipe, but you should also have experienced the joy of delivering a batch to friends and family. After all, few things say ‘home’ quite like a plate of homemade cookies.

Tuna pasta bake

The warm and comforting tuna pasta bake is a throwback to simpler times. It’s a mix of creamy sauce, flaky tuna, and pasta, baked to perfection with a crunchy topping. It’s the perfect weeknight dinner and an absolute crowd-pleaser. Knowing how to whip this up means you have a go-to meal that’s both comforting and satisfying.

Greek salad

Crunchy cucumbers, ripe tomatoes, sharp olives, and creamy feta cheese – this combination sounds lovely and simple. But, it’s not just about tossing together ingredients; it’s about mastering the right balance of olive oil, oregano, and the freshness of ingredients. Create your own version of this delicious salad, and never show up to a BBQ empty handed again.

Pulled pork

Pulled pork takes time to get right, but don’t underestimate its versatility. It can be the star of sandwiches and tacos, or it can even be served on its own. Getting the texture and flavors right is essential – and can take a lot of practice. But, mastering this dish is key to meaning you’re set for countless BBQs and parties.

Cottage pie

Credit Oxfordian Kissuth via Wikimedia Commons

A piping hot cottage pie is a British comfort food at its finest. A layer of juicy, seasoned minced meat crowned with a blanket of mashed potatoes – every bite is a mouthful of warmth. Use your bolognese recipe from earlier, combined with your perfect mash to create this tasty and crispy dish.


Turn the simple into the impressive with well made fishcakes. Whether made from salmon, or cod, these crispy on the outside, flaky on the inside ‘cakes’ are easier to make than you’d think. They’re all about balancing the delicate fish flavor with herbs and spices. By now, your herb and spice balancing should be on point – and you should be able to identify missing flavours rather than simply guessing.