Amethysts promote calmness and clarity

Have you ever felt like finding moments of calm seems like a distant dream? Holding an amethyst crystal might just change that for you. This crystal is actually known to encourage inner peace and provide clarity of thought. It’s as if the universe packed the essence of calmness into this gem.

Black tourmaline shields against negative energy

Credit Randolph Black via Wikimedia Commons

There are times where the weight of negativity can feel heavy – be it from external sources or internal doubts. Here’s where black tourmaline could be useful for you. Known for its grounding properties, it supposedly acts as a protective shield against all forms of negative energies.

Selenite could provide angelic guidance

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Have you ever sensed a greater power that seems to come from beyond your understanding? Selenite is said to resonate with this frequency. It’s often associated with spiritual awakening, and is believed to foster connections with guardian angels and the spiritual realm.

Moldavite is believed to accelerate spiritual transformation

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Have you ever felt an urge to fast-forward your spiritual growth? Moldavite might just be the answer to that desire. This unique crystal, formed from a meteorite impact, is said to possess a high vibrational frequency, and is believed to accelerate spiritual transformation, propelling you forwards.

Clear quartz could amplify energy and intention

Often considered as a master healer: clear quartz is the perfect crystal for when you’re aiming to amplify your intentions or energy. You can think of it as a universal remote that can be used to ‘tune’ your desires. Whether you’re focusing on healing, love, or dreams, this crystal can boost and magnify those energies.

Jade promotes prosperity and encourages harmony

The world is pretty chaotic, right? Sometimes we all need a reminder of the balance that can be possible jade serves as this gentle reminder. Jade is not only associated with material wealth but it is also thought to bring spiritual prosperity. It’s believed to attract luck, encourage harmony in relationships, and provide balance to the internal day-to-day chaos.

Lapis lazuli boosts intellectual abilities and enlightenment

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For those moments where your mind feels clouded or you’re seeking clarity, lapis lazuli could be your solution. This stone is said to open the third eye, enhancing intellectual abilities and providing intellectual guidance. So, it’s no surprise that many high school students like to have one of these in their pockets during exams.

Turquoise is known to enhance communication skills

We all know the mantra: communication is key. It’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s something that always comes naturally to all of us. Sometimes we might feel we need a little assistance. Turquoise is actually believed to resonate with the throat chakra – meaning it could be just the pocket companion you need when you’re looking to express yourself.

Aquamarine could calm nerves and reduce stress

Ever wished for a feeling of calm in the midst of life’s crazinesss? Aquamarine is said to offer just that. It’s often linked to the calming energies of the sea, and is believed to soothe nerves, reduce stress. So, next time you need a moment of zen, calms the lights, close your eyes, and put a piece of aquamarine close to your chest.

Red jasper is said to stimulate life force and motivation

If you’re searching for a boost in motivation or a push to pursue your passions, red jasper might be the answer here. Its red colors are symbolic of the fire that stirs within us all. If you’re feeling the flame flickering, grab yourself soome Red Jasper – it may help ignite your motivation, boost your stamina, and rekindle your zest for life.

Moonstone fosters inner growth and strength

Life is full of ups and downs, and moonstone is said to serve as a guide throughout these. Its shimmering surface is said to reflect its connection with the moon’s phases and energies. It’s believed to enhance intuition, foster inner growth, and provide you with strength and resilience – especially needed during turbulent times.

Hematite could help you feel grounded

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Have you ever felt like you’re floating a little, and not in a good way? Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed and disconnected, and hematite could be the anchor you’re seeking. This earthy crystal is believed to ground energies and provide a stable foundation for your emotions. By having it around, you can root yourself and find your equilibrium.

Garnet is known to enhance vitality

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Sometimes, life may seem dull or repetitive. In those moments, garnet can serve as a catalyst to turn that feeling around. It’s associated with the spark of life and passion. So if you’re ever feeling in a rut, garnet is said to reinvigorate you and ignite the flames of enthusiasm.

Aventurine could improve your luck

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Ever had those days where nothing goes right? Well, aventurine might just be the charm you’re missing. Often termed as the ‘Stone of Opportunity’, it’s believed to help promote prosperity. So if you’re in need of a bit of luck, carrying some aventurine in your pocket might be the answer.

Angelite is supposed to facilitate spiritual communication

Credit Didier Descouens via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever wanted a deeper connection with the universe – perhaps you’re looking to connect with someone from above? Angelite is said to enhance spiritual communication – and many believe that it actually acts as a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms, leading to a dialogue between the two.

Agate is believed to be strengthening

Life is unpredictable, filled with twists and turns. Agate has a layered appearance, which is thought to symbolizes the strength gained from experience. Think of the layers like wrinkles – deepening the further into life we go. Agate is believed to promote emotional strength and serves as a reminder of the strength gained via experience and resilience.

Opal may enhance your inspiration and creativity

Ever found yourself in a creative rut? Opal might just be the muse you need. This beautiful crystal is said to enhance your imagination and creativity, and inspire artistic expression. So, if you’re in need of a bit of a creativity boost, having a piece of opal by your side could help open up your imagination.

Amazonite promotes harmony and balance

Credit Raimond Spekking via Wikimedia Commons

The world is full of extremes, so sometimes finding a middle ground can be a challenge. If you’re finding this, maybe amazonite could come in handy. With its calming blue-green shade, it is believed to soothe the spirit and balance out energies. Whether that’s a conflict in a relationship or your own inner conflicts, amazonite is said to restore harmony.

Onyx is believed to aid in releasing negative emotions

Credit Simon Eugster via Wikimedia Commons

Feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions? If you’re feeling like this frequently, it could be worth investing in some onyx to carry by your side. It’s believed to possess protective qualities – sort of like a shield, absorbing and transforming negative energies, helping in the release of emotional baggage.

Prehnite fosters a sense of trust and letting go

Credit Robert M. Lavinsky via Wikimedia Commons

Holding onto past issues and arguments? Or maybe trust issues are affecting your relationships? Maybe prehnite could help. It’s believed to provide its users with a sense of trust and understanding. Many say that it helps in releasing old memories, promoting looking forward, allowing for new levels of trust and embracing the present.

Malachite is said to provide protection in turbulent times

Credit JJ Harrison via Wikimedia Commons

Sometimes we have moments when change seems daunting. Malachite could help. It’s believed to assist in changing situations, and is also said to offer protection from negative energies. When facing a crossroads, having a piece of malachite by your side might just give you the feeling of protection you need.

Blue lace agate is said to help with clear communication

Credit ondra244 via Wikimedia Commons

Another crystal that is said to help with communication. The colours of blue lace agate mirror the softness and clarity it’s said to bring to your words. If you’ve ever struggled with getting your point across or felt tongue-tied, this stone might be able to help. How? Well, it’s believed to calm the mind, facilitating articulate communication.

Pyrite could attract abundance

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Often mistaken for gold, pyrite actually holds its own value in the world of crystals. Known as ‘Fool’s Gold’, this crystal is thought to attract abundance – both materially and spiritually. Keep some pyrite in your workspace or your home and it might just make you feel like everything you touch turns to gold.

Fluorite enhances focus and concentration

Credit Raimond Spekking via Wikimedia Commons

It’s easy to get distracted – especially in today’s world. It can often feel challenging to maintain a sharp focus, and it is believed that fluorite possesses qualities that can help with this. The next time you’re up against a tight deadline or difficult task, placing fluorite on your desk could provide the focus boost you need.

Rose quartz can enhance love and compassion

There are times when the world feels a little colder, and you feel the need for some warmth. That’s where the rose quartz comes in. It’s often referred to as the stone of love, and it’s believed it can help to heal past heartaches and open the heart to love and kindness.

Citrine is known to attract abundance

Credit Parent Géry via Wikimedia Commons

Citrine is known as the merchant’s stone, as it’s believed to attract abundance and prosperity. It’s not just about material wealth; citrine supposedly brings you possibilities and leads you towards success. With this crystal in hand, it feels like the universe is plotting a path for you, filled with opportunity.

Zircon is said to balance energy and increase charisma

Credit Robert M. Lavinsky via WIkimedia Commons

Everyone loves a person who lights up a room! Zircon is believed to be more than just an ornament. It’s thought that it can help in balancing your energy and in upping your charisma game. So, don’t be surprised if, with zircon around, you become the center and life of the party.

Amber could help to clear the mind and reduce stress

It’s believed that trapped within amber are ancient memories, making it a powerful tool. Its warm and golden glow is believed to absorb negative energies, providing clarity and lightness. When the weight of the world feels too heavy, holding a piece of amber might just make things a bit brighter.

Calcite is said to stimulate the brain

Credit Raimond Spekking via Wikimedia Commons

Whether you’re making your way through a good book or tackling a new skill, calcite could be your secret weapon. This crystal is available in various colors, and is thought to stimulate the brain, promoting knowledge absorption. On top of this, it’s also believed to boost memory retention. Eager to learn and grow? This could be the perfect stone to have by your side.

Carnelian is believed to promote courage and motivation

Credit jaja_1985 via Wikimedia Commons

If you’re ever in need of a burst of energy or a bit of courage, carnelian might be your go-to crystal. Its fiery orange and red shades supposedly symbolize the determination it’s said to ignite. Maybe you’re prepping for an important presentation, or gearing up to tell your crush how you feel about them, carnelian can offer the courage and motivation you crave.

Rhodonite promotes emotional healing and self-love

Credit CarlesMillan via Wikimedia Commons

We all carry emotional scars, some visible and some hidden deep inside. Rhodonite is believed to help in the healing process of these. It’s not just about healing the past; it’s also about promoting self-love. So, the next time you’re searching for inner compassion and healing, turn to rhodonite.

Snowflake obsidian promotes balance during change

Credit James St. John via Wikimedia Commons

Change is life’s only guaranteed constant, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to navigate. Snowflake obsidian could be of help here. It’s said to help in balancing your mind and body, so carrying one with you could act as your grounding force, and help with navigating changes in your life.

Sunstone is said to instill joy and awaken leadership qualities

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Ever met someone who is like sunshine in human form? There’s a definite charm about people who seem to shine with genuine joy. Sunstone is believed to both instill that joy and awaken the leader within. So, if you’re aiming to shine bright and lead with heart, sunstone might just be your crystal.

Morganite promotes unconditional love and patience

Credit Géry PARENT via Wikimedia Commons

Love is powerful, especially when it’s without a set of conditions. Morganite is said to actually encourage this form of strong love. It’s also believed to foster patience and compassion – two qualities very much needed when loving someone through every up and down in life. We all want love to feel easy, so keep morganite by your side to help with this.

Azurite is known to enhance intuitive abilities

Credit Ivar Leidus via Wikimedia Commons

Every so often, there’s a gut feeling we can’t shake off. Azurite is actually believed to heighten these intuitive abilities. Now, it’s not just about sensing the future; it’s about tapping into that psychic potential that many people feel they have inside. If you feel that you do, azurite could be the perfect companion to provide clarity to your intuitions.

Tourmaline is believed to help with understanding yourself and others

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Understanding starts from within. Once you understand yourself, it radiates outward, and you can start to better understand others. Tourmaline, coming in a variety of colors, is said to assist in this introspective journey, and it might just be the key to forming deeper connections with others.

Unakite promotes emotional resilience

Credit Gunnar Ries via Wikimedia Commons

Remember those song lyrics: ‘life is a rollercoaster, don’t try to fight it’? We all know that while life has its many ups, it can also contain its fair share of downs. And, no matter how hard we try, we can’t always stop them. Instead, we have to learn how to navigate them. Unakite is believed to help with this, supposedly lifting spirits and resilience during trying times.

Howlite could help to calm an overactive mind

Credit Ra’ike via Wikimedia Commons

Life’s busy, and sometimes, that can reflect in our thoughts. Our minds can sometimes race faster than we’d like, and we just don’t know how to slow it down. Howlite is believed to offer a calming influence. So, if your mind feels like it’s moving at a million miles an hour, holding onto howlite might just slow it down and guide you to clarity and calm.

Gypsum could help dreams become realized

Credit Didier Descouens via Wikimedia Commons

Ever have dreams or ambitions that seem slightly out of reach? Gypsum could be of help. This soft mineral is said to help with manifestation. By holding onto or placing gypsum in somewhere in your space, you might find yourself a step closer to making your dreams a reality.

Bloodstone could help with decision making

Credit James St. John via Wikimedia Commons

We can sometimes feel like we’re at crossroads in our life, where there is no clear path to take. Bloodstone is said to provide you with courage and determination to make these decisions. Now, of course, it probably won’t be making the choices for you, but having it by your side can empower you to make decisions with confidence.