It’s okay to ask for help

Those first few days of being a mother can feel like you’re treading water – with each day bringing its own set of challenges. So do remember, it’s completely acceptable, and encouraged, to ask for help, as leaning on others can provide that respite you need. You won’t know everything, and you’re not supposed to. Be assured that there’s a whole community out there who can lend a hand.

Invest in a good car seat

Safety first, always. A car seat is one of the most crucial pieces of equipment you’ll purchase for your little one. When shopping, look for features like safety ratings, ease of installation, and adaptability. Consider it an investment in peace of mind, as there’s nothing better than the feeling of confidence that your child is safe.

Trust your instincts

Yes, books and advice from others can be helpful but remember that you have your innate maternal instincts. At times, something may not feel right, or, you might feel a pull in a certain direction about what’s best for your child. You know your baby best, and while external advice is amazing, your internal compass is just as essential.

Buy clothes in bigger sizes

Babies can grow very fast – one day, they fit perfectly into that adorable onesie and the next, it’s looking a bit snug. Save yourself multiple shopping trips by buying clothing a size or two larger. This makes sure your little one will get more wear out of each item – plus, slightly oversized clothing can often be even more comfortable.

Take breaks

Motherhood, while rewarding, can be all-consuming. It’s essential to recognize the importance of allocating time for yourself, as this can keep your energy and attention up. Whether it’s a short walk, reading a chapter of a book, or simply sitting in silence with a cup of tea – taking breaks rejuvenates you, making you a more present and patient mother. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary.

Learn to swaddle

Swaddling is a term you’ve probably heard time and time again. It’s an age-old technique that essentially mimics the snugness of the womb. So, mastering this can be a game-changer in helping your baby sleep better. It can help soothe a fussy baby, by reducing their startle reflex. Yes, it’ll be tricky at first but with a bit of practice, you’ll be swaddling like a pro in no time.

Learn the five S’s

So, once you’ve mastered the swaddling, it’s time to learn the rest of the five S’s – swaddle, side or stomach position, shush, swing, and suck. Dr. Harvey Karp’s method has long been known as a magic formula to soothe crying babies. In addition to the swaddle, these are more techniques that mimic the sensations of the womb, providing familiarity and comfort. It’s like having a parental cheat sheet for settling your baby,

You’ll make mistakes

Here’s a truth bomb – you’re going to make mistakes, and that’s entirely okay! Every mother, no matter how prepared, faces challenging moments, but these do not define your worth as a mother. Instead, they’re learning curves that’ll help shape your journey. Embrace them, learn from them, and remember – perfection is not the goal; love and care are.

Keep the essentials in your car

Having a stock of baby essentials in your car can be a true lifesaver. A small stash of diapers, wipes, a bottle, and a toy can make all the difference when you’re out and about. It’s like having a mini nursery on the go, giving you that well-needed peace of mind that you’re always prepared.

Keep baby’s nails trimmed

Those tiny nails can be surprisingly sharp! Keeping baby’s nails trimmed helps prevent them from scratching themselves. Go for baby-specific nail clippers or scissors, and try to do it while they’re sleeping or calm. It might be a small task, but it’s an important one for both you and your baby’s comfort.

Communicate with your partner or loved ones

Being a new mother can feel lonely, so remember that communication is key. Be it with your partner or your nearest and dearest, remember that being on the same page with those closest will ease the stress. Sharing your feelings, needs, and concerns allows for optimal support. After all, it’s teamwork that makes this dream work.

Master the art of the diaper change

Diaper changes are going to be a big part of your life for a good while, so it’s best to get the hang of it early on. Make sure you always have all your supplies to hand, always practice safety by never leaving your baby unattended on the changing table, and don’t forget the importance of a good diaper cream to prevent rashes – you don’t want to have to deal with any issues that could’ve been easily prevented.

A good diaper bag is crucial

Investing in a spacious diaper bag will keep you organized and prepared. Look for a bag with multiple compartments to store not just diapers but all the other necessities like wipes, clothes, and bottles, along with your personal items. A good diaper bag is more than just storage; it’s your home base while you’re out and about.

Keep a change of clothes in the diaper bag

Sticking on the topic of a diaper bag – always carry a change of clothes. Babies are unpredictable, and spills, spit-ups, or diaper mishaps can happen when you least expect them. So, make sure to pack an extra set of clothes, not only for your baby but for you too. It’ll mean that you’re both always prepared for these little surprises. This simple step can be a sanity saver.

Sleep when baby sleeps

Okay, this one might sound a little cliché, but there’s wisdom in this advice. The erratic sleep patterns of newborns can be tiring, so seizing the chance to catch up on sleep whenever your baby dozes off can be a lifesaver. Remember, being well-rested will mean you’ll be equipped to care for both your baby and yourself.

Bonding might take time

Are you always reading stories about that ‘instant bond’ and worried that might not happen for you? Don’t stress, because, in reality, bonding can be a gradual process. It’s okay if you don’t feel an overwhelming rush of love immediately. Just like any relationship, the bond can take time to deepen. Keep cuddling and spending quality time, and before you know it, you’ll develop that unbreakable bond you’ve read about.

Take care of yourself

The first few days or weeks of being a mother can feel like a whirlwind of diaper changes, feedings, and sleepless nights, but try not to forget about your own needs. Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Try and take moments for yourself that bring you joy, creativity, and rest, whether that’s meditation, journaling, or a dance class.

You can never have too many burp cloths

Ah, the humble burp cloth—an unsung hero in those early days of motherhood. Between feedings, burping, and the occasional spit-up, you’ll find that you can never have enough of these on hand. Stashing them in convenient spots around the house means you’ll always be prepared. And who doesn’t want to make life just a little bit easier in those early days?

Expect the unexpected

Those first days of being a mother will be filled with surprises – and that’s okay. From massive growth spurts to massive tantrums, babies have their own way of keeping us on our toes. Try and embrace it, keep an open mind, and remember—it’s all part of the adventure. Every day is a learning experience, so take it in stride.

Find a pediatrician you trust

Your pediatrician is going to be your go-to source for advice, reassurance, and medical care in those early days, weeks, and even years. Take time to find a professional you’re comfortable with and can trust. Don’t rush, do your research, ask for recommendations, and always trust your instincts.

Have a plan for sick days

Sickness is inevitable, so having a plan in place for when baby falls ill is essential. Know your pediatrician’s after-hours contact information, have a thermometer and basic baby-friendly medications on hand, and know the nearest urgent care location. Being prepared will help you feel more in control and at ease if sickness is to strike.

Learn basic first aid

When you become a mom, your baby’s safety becomes your number one priority. Learning basic first aid can provide you with the knowledge and confidence needed to handle minor accidents or emergencies. Consider taking a local class or doing online training – it’s definitely worth the investment of both time and money.

Create a feeding station

Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, having a designated feeding station can be a game changer. This should be a comfortable space with everything you need within arm’s reach – think burp cloths, water for you, snacks, a good book or TV remote, and anything else that’ll make those long feeding sessions more enjoyable.

Use white noise

The womb is a noisy place, so babies will often find comfort in white noise as it mimics that environment. Investing in a white noise machine (or simply using a fan) can help soothe your baby and improve their sleep. Plus, it’ll drown out any other household or street noise, meaning a more peaceful sleep for both baby and you.

You don’t need a ton of toys

In the lead-up to your baby’s arrival, it can be super tempting to buy every adorable toy you see, but the truth is, babies really don’t need much to be entertained. A baby can be quite pleased with the most simple of items, so if you do want to invest, buy a few high-quality, developmentally appropriate toys that’ll last. Save your money and your living room space.

A soft night light

A soft night light can be a game-changer for those nighttime feedings and diaper changes. It provides just enough light to see what you’re doing without fully waking up your baby or yourself! Plus, it adds a comforting glow to the nursery, creating a cozy and serene environment.

Get a good baby carrier

A baby carrier is a must-have for any new mom. It can feel at times that you don’t have enough hands to be holding your baby and doing everything else you need to be doing. A good carrier allows you to keep your baby close while having your hands free – a win-win. Look for one that provides good support for both of you and make sure it’s easy to put on and take off.

Don’t forget about your relationships

It’s easy for your relationships to take a backseat when a new baby comes into the picture, but it’s crucial to keep the lines of communication open. Make time for your significant other or those closest to you, even if it’s just a few minutes of quality time each day. Stronger relationships will make the journey into parenthood just that much smoother.

Keep snacks handy

As a new mom, you’re likely to be running around more than you’re used to – so you might find yourself hungrier than usual, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Keep yourself some snacks scattered around the house so that you can grab a quick bite whenever you need. Don’t forget, you also need to be well-fed to have the energy needed to care for your baby.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

The world won’t end if the laundry piles up or if the dishes sit in the sink for a day. Being a new mom is overwhelming enough without also worrying about keeping everything perfect. So give yourself grace, and know that it’s okay to let the little things slide while you focus on caring for your baby.

A reliable bottle warmer is handy

Sure, there are traditional ways to warm up baby’s milk, but a good bottle warmer can make those middle-of-the-night feedings so much smoother. It ensures that the milk is at the right temperature, reducing the guessing game and saving you that precious time. It’s one of those modern conveniences that you’ll wonder how mothers ever did without.

Pre-wash baby clothes

Before your little one arrives, you’ll probably receive tons of cute outfits from friends and family. It’s tempting to put them away neatly, but it’s always a good idea to pre-wash them. Baby’s skin is delicate, so washing removes anything that may be left on them from the shops or before. Plus, it gives you an excuse to get excited by those cute little outfits all over again!

Create a safe sleep environment

It’s of course so important to make sure your baby’s sleep space is safe. From selecting the right crib to positioning it away from any hazards, taking those steps can give you added peace of mind. Also, remember the basics like placing baby on their back to sleep and avoiding heavy blankets or stuffed animals in the crib.

Have a reliable thermometer

Fever in a newborn or young baby can be concerning. Having a reliable, easy-to-use thermometer can make those stressful moments more manageable. Look for one that provides quick and accurate readings, so you can monitor your baby’s temperature and communicate effectively with healthcare providers if needed.

Master the quick shower

Worried about when you’re going to fit your daily shower in? It’s true, new moms realize fast that leisurely showers become an unobtainable luxury. Grabbing even a few minutes under the water can make a world of difference, so make sure to learn the art of a quick shower. That might mean a combination shampoo and conditioner, or a scrubbing net that can easily reach your back.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Motherhood is likely going to feel like a roller-coaster ride with highs and lows. You’ll have days where all will go according to plan, and then others where it might feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water. Remember, you’re doing your best, and that’s all that matters. Always celebrate the small wins and more importantly, be gentle with yourself.

Invest in a good breast pump

Credit: ajay_suresh via Flickr

If you choose to breastfeed, a good breast pump can be a game-changer. Whether you’re returning to work, planning a date night, or just need a break, a good pump allows you to keep on top of your milk supply and gives you some flexibility. Just like with the car seat, think of it as an investment in your peace of mind.

Stock up on laundry detergent

Babies have an amazing ability to create laundry upon laundry – so having a good stock of baby-friendly laundry detergent on hand is a must. Opt for a gentle detergent that’s tough on stains but gentle on baby’s sensitive skin. Trust us, you won’t want to be running out to the shop in the middle of a blowout!

Have someone to talk to

Motherhood isn’t always a bed of roses, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times. The key is not to bottle up those feelings. Talk to your partner, friends, or family, and remember that you’re not alone. There are countless moms out there who have felt the same way and can offer support.

Remember to breathe

If you’re in a really overwhelming moment, it can sometimes feel like too much. In those moments, remember to take a deep breath. Deep breaths are like a magic medicine – they can reset your mind and help you feel some clarity and calm. It’s a small but powerful tool and can make a big difference, especially if you research how to belly breathe correctly.