Prevent blisters

Band-Aids are rightly associated with treating injuries, such as keeping cuts and scratches sterile. But did you know they can also be used preventatively? Placing a band-aid over areas prone to blisters, such as the back of your heel or toes, provides a protective barrier and reduce friction.

Label cords

Band-Aids aren’t just for medical use! You can use a small piece of band-aid to label cords and cables with a written description or color code. This can help you identify them easily when dealing with multiple electronic devices, and the staying power of a Band-Aid will easily keep your makeshift labels in place.

Protect fingertips for crafting

Not got a thimble? When engaging in activities that involve repetitive use of the fingertips, such as knitting or sewing, you can apply small band-aids to the fingertips to protect and cushion them from soreness or calluses. This is also true for musical instruments, meaning you can avoid the dreaded guitarist’s thumb!

Stop a small leak

In emergency situations, a waterproof Band-Aid can be used as a temporary fix for a small leak, such as a small hole in an inflatable object or a punctured water bottle. Note, however, that even a waterproof Band-Aid won’t solve your plumbing troubles in the mid-to-long-term. Consult a professional (and, if they suggest a Band-Aid, don’t pay them).

Cushioning for shoes

Artificial insoles, with their ‘gel technologies’ and ‘cushion formulas’, can be prohibitively expensive. Thankfully, Band-Aids can help you out. Place a Band-Aid on areas of your shoes that tend to cause discomfort or blisters, such as the back of the heel or sides of the shoe, to provide extra cushioning at a much lower cost than bespoke orthopedic products.

Grip enhancement for tools

Slippery tools rank among the leading causes of home repair injuries in the US. Try wrapping a Band-Aid around the handle of a tool, such as a screwdriver or a wrench, to improve grip and make it easier to handle. It might ruin the look of your tools, but it gets the job done.

Zipper pull replacement

Broken zipper? Like a ring coming off a pudding can, this problem can make you feel utterly impotent. But with a Band-Aid handy, no more! If a zipper pull breaks off, simply attach a small Band-Aid to the remaining metal tab and twist to create a makeshift grip for zipping up clothing or bags.

Keep earrings in place

Earring backs are notoriously easy to lose – and their absence, in turn, means you’re more likely to lose the valuable gems adorning your ears. Helpfully, you can place a small, translucent Band-Aid on the back of an earring to prevent it from slipping out of the earlobe. This also provides extra support for heavier earrings.

Fly swatter

Want to be a buzzkill? Attach a Band-Aid to the end of a stick or ruler to create an impromptu fly swatter. This surprisingly effective tool means you don’t need to root through the garage for a dedicated fly swatter, and the Band-Aid protects your furniture and walls for when the inevitable thwacking commences.

Patch a screen

In the summertime, a screen door allows you to keep your home airy without letting pesky bugs in. But a screen is only as good as its weakest patch. For small holes or tears in window or door screens, you can affix a Band-Aid to cover the damaged area temporarily, before putting in a call to a repairman!