They never ask about your day

If you’re constantly asking your partner how their workday went or if anything exciting happened while they were visiting family, then you’ll know how hurtful it is when they don’t return the favor. Maybe they make up for it by showing that they’re invested in your life in other ways, or maybe they don’t care about you as much as they should.

You’ve no idea what their values are

Being overly preachy and judgy is a massive turn-off for many people, but there’s a danger when things swing too far in the other direction too. If you have no idea what your partner’s values are, it could be because they don’t have any or they don’t trust you enough to reveal them to you. Neither is a good sign for the health of your relationship.

They don’t have any hobbies

No one can be busy all the time, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to chill out in front of the TV after work every now and then. With that said, if your partner has absolutely no hobbies or interests to speak of, that could mean that they have issues with motivation, goal-orientedness, self-improvement or discipline, which could affect other areas of their life.

You’ve given up on arguing with them

If you and your partner spend most of your time arguing, then your relationship probably isn’t the healthiest. At the same time, if you’ve given up on arguing altogether because your other half never seems to learn or make an effort to compromise, that’s not a good sign either. Either they don’t see your relationship as a priority, or they simply can’t change, and neither is a good thing.

They never offer to wash the dishes

Dragging feet around doing the dishes might seem like an innocuous habit as, let’s face it, everyone has chores they absolutely abhor. With that said, it could also indicate that your partner doesn’t see your time as as valuable as theirs, or doesn’t respect the space you share. In other words, this is a beige flag that could easily turn red over time.

You’ve no idea where the relationship’s going

It’s totally okay to date for fun and not stress out about defining the relationship early on, but both parties should have agreed to keep things chill and casual if that’s the case. If you don’t remember ever talking through your relationship goals with your partner, and they seem to have no interest in the topic, they could be in the relationship by default rather than with intention.

They use pet names you hate

This one comes down to your partner respecting your agency, and liking you as a person in addition to loving you. While it might seem annoying but harmless, if your other half insists on calling you Snuggles at every opportunity despite it making your skin crawl, it could mean they either secretly enjoy humiliating you or don’t see your boundaries as worth respecting.

They don’t know your friends’ names

Your partner doesn’t need to be a walking Rolodex of every acquaintance you’ve ever met in order for the relationship to be healthy. They should, however, know the names of your closest friends, especially if you’ve been dating for a long time. If they don’t, it’s either because they don’t make an effort to hang out with your pals, or they don’t care about your life.

You struggle to find things to talk about

After the honeymoon phase, it’s normal for couples to temporarily struggle to find things to discuss, as they come down from the giddy highs of the relationship’s first blush. However, there’s a big difference between that normal adjustment period and complete conversation doldrums, which at best mean you have nothing in common and at worst mean you maybe don’t even like each other.

They don’t talk about their goals

Lack of ambition isn’t a relationship dealbreaker for everyone, but there’s a big difference between being a promotion-chasing stockbroker and having absolutely zero goals of any kind. If your partner hasn’t so much as taken a piano lesson, learned a few words of French or even made a plan to clean out the garage, that shows a lack of investment in life.

They’re overly competitive

While it’s great to have a hard-working, competitive person by your side, over-competitiveness can cause problems in a relationship. When they are in love, they can’t tone it down. Their competitive nature is part of who they are, and it can lead to problems if their partner isn’t also competitive.

They always think they’re right

Being headstrong can be a good thing. It helps your partner keep their spirits high when they’re faced with conflict. But this trait can also make them want to prove themselves, even when it’s not necessary. They can be stubborn and prideful, especially when they feel like they’re right.

They’re always on their phone

Your partner’s popularity can be a double-edged sword when it comes to romance. While their wide circle of friends can be a sign that they’re well-liked, their many social connections can also put a strain on your relationship. Sometimes you might feel like your partner is more interested in their friends than they are in you.

They’re clingy

Some people are natural nurturers, and they have no problem stating how they want to give and receive love. This can quickly turn into neediness and clinginess, however. If you have a strong sense of personal space, it is important to establish boundaries, otherwise, this could become an issue.

They post everything on social media

Instant gratification is a powerful force. People who love the feeling of getting something right away often enjoy using social media. Your partner might be constantly on the lookout for couple photos, which can be cute at first. But after they’ve spent half an hour trying to set up their camera to get the right lighting in their shot, you may be rethinking your relationship.

They’re a people pleaser

Your partner is a peacemaker and strives for balance in life. But sometimes their desire for harmony can cause them to overcompensate or overextend themselves. While it may be nice to date someone who doesn’t want to argue, if your partner has a hard time saying no then he or she may not have your back when things get tough.

They lovebomb you

Your partner wants to dive right into the deep end. When your partner thinks about love, they want the relationship to be all-encompassing. They want to spend every free minute with you and plan your future together. However, jumping in headfirst can be a risky proposition.

They’re always canceling

Your partner is an explorer who loves to socialize and try new things. However, when you are in a relationship, you have to make time for your partner, which means canceling or changing plans. If your partner cancels on you frequently, it’s important to talk about why this is happening and how the two of you can solve it together.

They’re too self-critical

Your partner is a bit of a mystery, and might even downplay their own talents and interests. They might be trying to impress you, but they don’t want to come off as weird or boring. They make self-deprecating jokes about their interests and achievements in an effort to be relatable to others. However, this can quickly become tiring and awkward.

They’re overly sensitive

Your partner tends to be very sensitive and empathetic. They pick up on emotions easily and often take them on as their own. They are very sensitive. They take everything seriously and get hurt easily. When you make jokes, they take them literally and don’t understand the humor behind them.

They’re a super fan

Sometimes, seemingly harmless beige flags can become a problem. If you meet your partner through a mutual love of an artist or TV show and grow out of it, what happens when they do not? When you’re trying to settle down and your partner is still spending all their savings on trips to conventions or concerts, this can cause problems.

They use an Android

It’s annoying when your partner’s phone isn’t compatible with yours. Messages show up in an ugly green colour, GIFs don’t work and their camera quality is awful. Even sexting can be more of a hassle than a turn-on.

They don’t drink water

Yes, there are people who prefer to drink energy drinks and other types of sugary beverages instead of water. No one wants to kiss someone that tastes like Fanta or smells like Red Bull. Soda and juices may taste better, but once you’re an adult you should be sucking it up and downing your H20.

They walk outside barefoot

It’s not a pretty sight to see your partner’s toes on the loose, especially if they’re walking around outside barefoot and then jumping on the couch or into bed straight away. Especially gross if they don’t wash off!

They never ask the follow-up questions

When you ask your partner for details, they might be doing a poor job of providing them. They’ll tell you their sister got a new job, but they won’t know where. They’ll find out that their best friend broke up with their girlfriend of seven years, but they won’t know why! Gossip only has value when you have all the facts.

They don’t replace things until they’re empty

In every relationship, there’s one person who takes care of the little details and one person who doesn’t notice until something goes wrong. If your partner is the kind of person who never notices when you run out of milk, toilet paper or eggs, you might want to consider getting a new partner.

They’re a picky eater

Your partner is an adult, and they should eat like one. If your significant other refuses to eat anything that isn’t beige and fried, then it’s time for an intervention. You want to be with someone who will share your joy in food and try new things, not someone who wants to stick to the same old meals.

They don’t own a blazer

It’s true that a T-shirt and jeans can be worn to most events. But it’s also true that you should have some nicer clothes in your closet for special occasions. It’s important to dress appropriately. Your partner can’t show up to your grandmother’s funeral in jeans and a tank top!

Always asking the waiter what to order

Some people may be turned off by a partner who cannot order at a restaurant without asking the waiter for help. However, this can also be a good quality in a person – they’re open-minded and willing to listen to others. Whether or not this is a good quality depends on what you want from a partner.

They’re really into conspiracy theories

Some conspiracy theories are harmless, such as the belief that Paul McCartney or Avril Lavigne were replaced by body doubles. However, if your partner starts to believe in more sinister theories about the government, then this could be a red flag for your relationship. It could indicate that the person lacks critical thinking skills, is paranoid, and follows the crowd.

They don’t silence their phone overnight

Our bedtime routines are strongly influenced by the habits we develop in childhood. When a partner takes their phone to bed, it can cause conflict due to disturbances or feeling ignored. If your partner refuses to put his or her phone on silent without reason and this prevents you from sleeping, it is time to consider whether the relationship is working for you.

They never text without emojis

Sometimes people use emojis when they text because it makes them feel more fun or playful. If your partner uses a lot of emojis in their texts, it may be a sign they’re not interested in having deep conversations. This can be problematic if you want to talk about more serious topics.

They chew loudly

If your partner tends to eat or chew loudly, it could be something that bothers you. It might help to find out if it is a health issue or just a quirk. If they are unwilling or unable to make any adjustments concerning the volume of their chewing, it may be best for you to find someone else.

They only watch mainstream sitcoms

If someone is looking for the Pam to their Jim, Monica to their Chandler – or any other match based on basic sitcoms – just assume that’s as deep as they are going to get. It’s okay to like anything, but if you’ve been trying to persuade them to try Succession and they’re only interested in rewatching Friends for the 100th time, the relationship probably isn’t going very far.

They’re too sarcastic

Sarcasm can be fun, but it can also be annoying. When a person speaks sarcastically all the time, they can come off as condescending and rude. People who do this sometimes have an underlying insecurity or other issues they’re trying to mask, and this can quickly turn from a beige flag to a red flag.

They have strong opinions about something that doesn’t matter

Once you know what they are, beige flags are easy to spot. For example, being very opinionated about something random and inconsequential like peanut butter would likely be a beige flag. Who really cares if blended peanuts should contain slightly whole peanuts? It might be a fun debate now and then, but if this opinion somehow makes it into every conversation, it might be time to dip out.

They can only sleep on one side of the bed

Lifestyle habits can also be a beige flag. For example, if your partner can only sleep on the right side of the bed and sleeping on the left side makes them uncomfortable for whatever reason. This may be an indication that your partner isn’t willing to compromise on other points in your relationship.

They take too many selfies

If a person’s profile and phone camera roll are filled with selfies, it could mean that they don’t have any hobbies or extra-curricular activities. Also, do you really want to date somebody who’s too preoccupied with capturing moments on their phone as opposed to actually enjoying them?

They clap when the plane lands

Clapping when the plane lands might sound like a funny quirk you can tease your partner for, but it can quickly become annoying. If it never stops, next thing you know – your partner is applauding and cheering at the end of a 45-minute flight from LA to Santa Barbara. They’re the only one clapping and everyone’s staring at them. What are you doing?

They’re really into crypto

Another beige flag is being interested in crypto. It’s a popular hobby these days, but no one really cares about anyone’s crypto portfolio. Also, do you really want to end up in an argument about the future of money every time you buy something?