They’re stumbling over their words

Unless they’re the smoothest and most confident person on Earth and you’ve already hung out a lot, someone who is into you is going to have a hard time disguising it in their voice. Any stuttering, fumbling over certain words, losing their train of thought or giggling is a sure sign that your crush can’t believe their luck talking to you and is struggling to stay focussed.

Their pupils are dilated

There are lots of elements of body language that you can hide or disguise, but your eyes will always tell the truth. For example, when you’re around someone you love or are attracted to, your pupils tend to dilate. So if you ever see your crush looking at you with pupils that are bigger than normal, you know why.

They’re blushing

If your crush is blushing while you’re hanging out because they just tripped up in front of the waiter and knocked their water over at dinner, then that’s one thing. However, if they’re blushing for seemingly no reason, it could be because they’ve noticed how close together you’re sitting or that you’re looking at them intently. In other words, they’re pretty into you.

Their voice sounds different

If you’ve been friends with and had feelings for someone for a long time, and you’ve noticed that their voice suddenly sounds different when you hang out, then it could be your lucky day. People’s voices tend to deepen or become breathier when they’re talking to people they like, both out of nerves and out of a subconscious desire to seem more attractive.

They’re leaning forward

One of the surest signs that somebody enjoys your company and likes hanging out with you is that they unfailingly lean forward when you talk. At worst, this means they’re engaged in what you’re saying and are hanging on to every word, but at best, it means they’re looking for an excuse to get closer to you or are so captivated that they can’t help but lean in.

Their hugs last an extra second

A hug can mean a thousand things, from comfort and commiseration to congratulations and affection. However, if you’ve noticed that your crush always finds excuses to hug you, and their hugs always last a beat longer than you would expect, then that’s a sign that there’s definitely something more than friendship on their mind.

They’re fiddling with their hands

Fiddling is a body language sign that needs some further analysis. Obviously, if your date is shredding their paper straw while you’re talking during the entrees, it probably means that they’re annoyed or bored. However, playing with hair, twiddling rings, shuffling feet or playing with menus is more often a sign of nerves or bashfulness. That, or they’re trying to stop themselves from reaching for your hand.

Their lips are parted

One of the more accurate signs that someone is thinking romantic thoughts about you is lip position. If your crush’s lips are always closed or pressed together when you’re hanging out, chances are things are purely platonic. If you notice that their lips are usually slightly parted when you’re talking though, it could be because they’re thinking about kissing you.

They’re mirroring you

People get their body language from all sorts of places, including the people they admire. If your crush is constantly mirroring your body language by crossing their legs when you do, or playing with their hair when you touch your own, that’s a sign both that they think you are someone worth imitating and that they’re watching you very closely.

They’re ignoring their phone

Nowadays, most people have a hard time putting their phones down for long periods of time, especially if they’re just casually hanging out. If you invite your crush over to watch TV or have dinner, and they put their phone on silent or face down somewhere out of reach, that means that you are more important to them than anyone else who might get in touch.

They make a lot of eye contact

Eye contact is one of the most powerful ways to connect with someone. When you see this person, do they make eye contact with you longer than with other people? When someone is making deep eye contact with you, it means they like you. The hormone oxytocin is released when we make eye contact with someone else, helping us to feel connected and bonded to that person.

They expose their neck or wrists

People tend to be more open and vulnerable around people they like. This can be seen in friendly body language, including exposing one’s neck or wrists. When people are interested in you, they may stroke their neck and leave their hands out of their pockets, exposing another vulnerable part of their body – their wrists. So don’t be shy and ask them out!

They blink less frequently

If you see someone staring at you for a while, don’t be alarmed. It’s a good sign that the other person is interested. It’s common for people who are interested in each other to sync their blinks when talking. If a person seems to be blinking less, it could be because they are so focused on looking into your eyes that they don’t want to miss a second.

They walk beside you

If the person you like is always one step ahead of you, they may not be as interested in you as you are in them. They should be making an effort to stay at your pace. However, if your crush walks in step with you, it’s a good indication they like you as more than a friend.

They point their feet toward you

The unconscious mind is largely responsible for controlling your feet, so they can be very telling in social interactions. In fact, attraction is most often indicated by the feet. When you touch someone, look at their feet. If they’re distracted, but their feet are pointing toward you, that’s a good sign there’s something more to your connection.

They’re conscious of their appearance

When a person is interested in you, they’ll want to look their best. They’ll try to make sure that their hair and clothes are neat and tidy. Watch for signs that a person likes you, like when they adjust their clothes, reapply lip balm or fluff their hair. This usually happens when you aren’t looking at them.

They stay close to you in group settings

When you’re around a lot of people, keep an eye on where your crush always seems to be standing or sitting. A sign that someone likes you is if they always end up next to you. Your crush is trying to get close to you by staying near you. They want to be around you, so they can talk to you and get your attention.

They laugh when you laugh

Laughter is contagious. If your crush starts to laugh after you do, they might like you back. When you laugh, someone who likes you will also laugh. This is because when we like someone, we tend to mimic their behavior and this includes the way they laugh.

They smile when you’re talking

People who have a crush on you are often excited you’re talking to them. They smile and laugh more than usual because they’re genuinely enjoying your company. If your crush is always smiling and laughing when you talk to them, even if the topic of discussion is dull, they may like you!

They listen

They are great listeners, and they like to keep the conversation going. When someone is interested in you, they will listen closely to what you have to say. Even if you’re talking about mundane details like your coffee order, they listen and seem to really care about what you have to say. This shows that they like you.

They ‘accidentally’ touch you

People who like you will try to be near you as often as possible, including touching you through subtle gestures. For example, they might accidentally bump your knee with their knee or touch your arm. Your crush is trying to get close to you without being too obvious about it.

They raise their eyebrows when they see you

When someone is attracted to you, their eyebrows will automatically rise for a moment. This happens very quickly: within the first 1 to 2 seconds after they spot you, their eyebrows will quickly raise and then lower again. We subconsciously lift our eyebrows as a way of making ourselves appear more inviting.

They touch their hair

When a person is attracted to another person, they might touch their hair. This could be stroking it or smoothing down its top. If they have long hair, they might twirl it around their fingers or run their hands through it. This is a sign that they really care what you think about them.

They angle their body towards you

When a person is interested in what you’re saying, they will turn toward you and make a point of giving you their full attention. They may also sit next to you or angle their chair toward yours. If someone opens their body toward you, it’s a clear sign that they like you.

They remove obstacles between you

When people feel comfortable around you, they tend to get physically closer. If there are no physical barriers between you, they may move their chair closer to yours or put down their purse instead of placing it on the table between you. If there are physical barriers, they’ll move them out of the way.

They try to stand out

For some people, the desire to get your attention might manifest as an attempt to subtly adjust their appearance, like straightening a tie or tugging a stocking. For some people, it’s a more overt gesture – like waving or pointing. Another clue is they stand slightly apart from their friends, hoping to make a good impression on you.

They will take a deep breath

If you see your crush take a deep breath when you walk by, it could be a sign that they like you. They might be psyching themselves up to speak to you. They might not say anything about it, but their reaction will give them away.

They look at your lips

When someone is attracted to you, he or she will probably show signs of attraction without realizing it. For instance, their eyes might shift toward your lips parting and closing. People who are attracted to you sexually may stare at your lips for a split second or longer. If you want to know whether someone is interested in you, pay attention to their behavior toward you.

Their nostrils will flare

One of the least romantic, but most accurate signs that your crush likes you is when their nostrils flare when they see you. Most people don’t even realize this is a sign of attraction, but it is! Flared nostrils are a sign of attraction that people can’t control, so if your crush has been hiding other signs of attraction, this might be a clue.

They roll up their sleeves

Next time the person you’re interested in starts to roll up their sleeves, it could be a sign of attraction. It’s subtle, but once you’re aware of it, you’ll notice that it happens around you. A woman pulls up her sleeves to reveal the softest skin on her body, which is often a subconscious sign of attraction. Men also roll up their sleeves to show their strength.

They touch their face

Next time you’re around your crush, notice whether they touch their face while looking at you. Rubbing their chin or stroking their cheeks can indicate interest in being more than friends. Touching their mouth also communicates a desire for kissing. When we’re attracted to someone, our lips and skin become more sensitive, and we might subconsciously touch ourselves in places where we’d like to be touched.

They show signs of jealousy

Everyone has felt jealousy at some point. It’s a natural emotion, but it can also be a sign that someone is interested in you if you notice that they seem jealous of your interactions with other people. When someone likes you, they may try to monopolize your attention by bragging about a recent win at work or subtly taking jabs at the person they feel threatened by.

They nod a lot when you’re speaking

When someone nods their head while you’re talking, it means that they’re interested in what you have to say. They’re also encouraging you to keep talking by showing that they agree with what you’re saying.

They stand up straight

When someone likes you, they’ll be more likely to make an effort to look good in your eyes. This means they’ll stand up straight, instead of slouching. Guys might also try to puff out their chest or make other similar gestures to seem more impressive.

They tilt their head

When someone tilts their head as they talk to you, it means they are interested in what you have to say. This is known as a body language cue and shows that they are really trying to listen and be attentive.

They seem relaxed

When you’re interested in someone, you don’t mind when they invade your personal space. You enjoy any form of touching from them. If your crush likes you, he or she will stay relaxed when you touch them. A person who is interested in another person might unconsciously get closer to that person as a way of expressing interest.

They blink rapidly

If your crush is blinking rapidly when he or she talks to you, it might be a sign of sexual attraction. However, rapid blinking is also a sign of stress or nervousness. If your crush blinks a lot while talking to you, look for other signs that they are into you.

They lean back in their chair

Open body language, such as a person sitting with their legs uncrossed and arms relaxed, can also indicate interest. Open body language involves leaving your front side open and exposed to others. This could also be called invitational body language, and it’s the body language of trust. You want to make a connection with others, so you leave nothing between you and them.

They look away

Eye-tagging is a sign of flirtation. You may notice someone looking at you from across the room, then turning away when you look. Moments later, they will look again. When someone looks away, it doesn’t necessarily mean they dislike you. It is likely that they were caught openly staring and feel embarrassed about it.

Their friends behave differently when you’re around

If your crush’s friends seem to know who you are and show interest in getting to know you, this could be a sign that your crush has talked about you to their friends and they’re trying to help them express their feelings.

They frequently use open-handed gestures

Ah, the subtlety of an open palm. An oft-overlooked signal, open-handed gestures – whether it’s a wave, a high-five, or an expressive chat – exhibit an openness and a desire to connect. This gesture is unconsciously inviting, and it suggests they’re trying to be genuine and transparent with you.

They shift closer over time

Distance speaks volumes. As you spend more time together, you might notice your crush moving closer to you during conversations. It might be discreet, but it’s a powerful indicator of their attraction. While we usually maintain a personal bubble around acquaintances, drawing nearer can suggest a desire to establish a closer connection.

They communicate with their eyes

We all know the phrase ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’… if your crush frequently holds eye contact, it’s not just to maintain a steady conversation; it’s a sign of they have a deeper interest. Those long glances or flirty eye plays are a sign that they are interested in a deeper connection.

They intentionally leave personal items at your place

Ever found their jacket casually draped over your chair, or perhaps a book they’ve been reading left behind on your table? Leaving personal items in your space is not always forgetfulness. It can be a subtle gesture to create a reason for future interactions. It’s like they’re saying, ‘I’ll be back’, without actually saying the words.

They laugh even if things aren’t that funny

If your crush seems to laugh easily and frequently at your jokes (even the not-so-funny ones) or shares light-hearted moments with you, it’s a sign of their ease and happiness to be in your company. These bursts of laughter are likely a hint that they have deeper affectionate feelings towards you.

They always ensure they have a clear view of you

In group settings, positioning can tell a lot about someone’s priorities. So, if you find your crush is consistently positioning themselves in a spot where they have a clear view of you, it’s likely more than just coincidence. Wanting to keep you in their line of sight is a sign of the importance they place on you being there and a desire to stay connected.

They avoid body language barriers

Crossed arms or a slouched posture – these are usually indicators of discomfort. So, if your crush is consistently making sure their body language is open and barrier-free when they’re around you, well, that’s likely them showing a level of comfort and receptiveness. They’re probably trying to convey a willingness to connect on a deeper level.

They speak in a soft tone around you

The pitch and tone of someone’s voice can be very revealing. So if you notice your crush tends to soften their voice when , that’s for sure a sign of endearment. A softer tone indicates a sense of intimacy and can be their way of creating a special conversational space just for the two of you, like they’re subconsciously saying that this conversation is your private moment.

They stay one step behind

Walking just behind you, but still matching your pace, is an indication they have a desire to be in step with you and also protect you. If you notice that they’re making a conscious effort to walk just a step behind you, it’s a sign that they want to be close by you but also want to protect you and not overstep the boundaries.

Their attention on you remains undivided

The world is full of distractions, so undivided attention is a rare gift. If your crush consistently offers you their full focus, listening intently to your words, it’s a sign of their genuine interest. This unwavering attention signals that, in those moments, you are their priority.

Their face lights up when they notice you

There’s a certain something that’s hard to miss when someone is genuinely happy to see you. If your crush’s face visibly brightens, their eyes light up, and a smile spreads across their face when they spot you, it’s a sign they’re actually excited by your presence. This expression speaks louder than words, indicating they have a genuine interest.

They make a point to be around you

Whether it’s choosing the seat next to you or standing beside you in a group, a conscious choice to stay close indicates they have a pull towards you. So if they’re proactively trying to maintain close proximity, it reveals they have an attraction and a desire to be near you -most likely beyond friendship.

Their gaze lingers

Have you noticed out of the corner of your eye that their gaze lingers, even when you’ve looked away? That’s a clear sign on interest, and an indication of a level of affection that is beyond platonic. Keeping their eyes on you shows a subtle admiration that speaks volumes.

They stand confidently

Our body language is often a sign of how we wish to be seen. If your crush often stands in away that highlights their best features when around you, it suggests they’re trying to catch your attention. So whether it’s standing tall, or showcasing their best profile, this pose indicates that they want you to see them in a flattering light.

They value your personal space

Respect for personal space, especially when it’s juxtaposed with moments of closeness, shows an awareness. If your crush makes a point to honor your personal space, unless invited, it’s a sign that they’re thinking about your comfort levels, and reflects a genuine care.

They swirl their straw

If you notice your crush swirling their straw while chatting with you, it could be an unconscious distraction tool related to a nervous energy. This innocent twirling could be their way of channeling the jittery excitement they feel inside whilst they’re with you.

They display a nervous habit only when you’re around

Has your crush been twirling their hair, tapping a foot, or fidgeting with an object? This might suggest that your presence triggers an unconscious, physical response. It’s like a tell in poker – a seemingly involuntary action that reveals what’s concealed – perhaps some nervousness around you?

Their feet and knees are consistently pointed towards you

You’ve noticed your crush’s feet and knees consistently pointing towards you even in group settings, and it’s like their body is almost drawn towards you. This is probably a signal of where their interest lies. It’s likely an involuntary physical cue that signifies you’re that, even with distractions, you’ve got their attention.

They appear excited when you discuss plans together

If your crush seems genuinely excited – eyes lighting up, a smile on their face – when discussing any plans with you, it’s a positive indicator of their interest in spending time with you. The enthusiasm might stem not only from the activities planned but the excitement of sharing more moments with you.

They lick their lips

If they’re licking their lips when you’re around it might signify more than just dryness. Lip-licking is often an unconscious response to nervous energy, and if you notice your crush doing this when they’re in conversation with you, it might imply that they’re slightly anxious about making a good impression. Or perhaps, even if unintentional, it could be a way to draw attention to their lips,

They chew their gum faster

Chewing gum faster, especially when in conversation with you, could be an adorable sign that your crush is feeling those butterflies. The accelerated chewing may be due to the rush of nerves and excitement they feel when you’re around. While it’s a subtle cue, it might just be their body responding to their heightened emotions.

They keep touching up their lipstick

Reapplying lipstick when around you might be more than a mere touch-up. This conscious primping act can imply that they want to appear attractive for you, hinting at a desire to catch your attention and affection. Notice those moments when they choose to refresh their look—it might be their subtle way of saying, ‘I want to look my best for you’.

They’re out of breath

This might seem like an odd one, but breathing faster is an involuntary response when someone is excited or physically attracted to another person. Breathing faster happens due to an increased heart rate and adrenaline rush, enhancing the intake of oxygen. If you observe a slight increase in their breathing rate, it could be a small yet telling sign that your crush finds you appealing and is energetically lifted by your presence.

They look for your reaction after making a joke

Does your crush glance your way after cracking a joke or sharing a funny anecdote? If so, it’s because your reaction matters to them. They’re looking to see if you find them funny and engaging, They’re looking for your validation which is indicative that they have a sweet spot for you.

They physically react when you touch them

Touch can speak volumes. If your crush reacts visibly – perhaps a quick, excited flinch, a goosebump, or a shiver – when you make physical contact, even in a casual or accidental manner, it indicates a heightened sensitivity to your touch which is likely an indication of their feelings towards you.

They go red when you compliment them

Blushing is a dead giveaway of emotional transparency. If your crush goes red when you compliment them, when you lock eyes, or even just during a casual conversation, well, this is pretty clear sign they’re having a response associated with affection and attraction. It’s a cute physical response that reveals they’re feeling something towards you.

They use their body to shield you in crowded places

Protectiveness signals care and concern. So if your crush often positions themselves in a way that keeps you protected in crowded places, it’s likely more than just courteous behavior. The instinct to protect you wherever you are is a sign that they care.

They bounce their leg

Nervousness often gives itself away through subtle physical cues, such as the bouncing of your legs. If your crush is doing this in your presence, especially when you guys are 1-1, it might be indicative of the adrenaline and anxiety of being around someone they are attracted to.

They nudge their friends when you’re talking

Ever noticed your crush nudge or exchange quick glances with their friends while you’re engaging in a conversation? Well, it might hint at some inside knowledge between them. Perhaps your name has come up in their conversations, or they’ve expressed their feelings towards you to their circle. Either way, it’s a sweet sign that they may have romantic feelings about you.

They’re swallowing a lot

Notice a frequent, perhaps nervous, swallowing when your crush is around you? This subtle response could be tied to anxiety, which people experience when they’re around someone they have feelings for. Frequent swallowing may be their body’s automatic response to that fluttery sensation in their stomach, hinting that they might just be into you, too.