Cleans Microfiber Furniture

Cleaning a piece of furniture decorated with fine microfiber material can be problematic, especially if you’ve spilled food or drink on the piece in question. A better idea, if you want to avoid spoilage, is to clean the item with rubbing alcohol. Using a cloth, simply rub the rubbing alcohol over the stained area. The alcohol won’t stain the surface, unlike water, and it evaporates quickly.

Kill cockroaches

Cockroaches are notoriously hardy insects, with scientists believing they may be one of the few creatures able to survive a nuclear apocalypse. However, whilst they can tolerate high doses of radiation, they are less immune to alcohol. A quick spray of an alcohol solution will clog the spiracles cockroaches breathe through, causing them to rapidly suffocate.

Sanitise your toddler’s toys

Markus Spiske/Pexels

Toys can quickly become hotbeds of bacterial growth, which is especially concerning in light of the fact that toddlers tend to put everything in their mouths. A quick wipe or spray with some diluted rubbing alcohol can ensure your child’s toys remain hygienic and safe. Don’t worry, the alcohol evaporates within a matter of seconds, so there’s no chance of your toddler accidentally ingesting any.

Removes Nail Polish

There are a lot of nail polish removers out there, but a lot of them are filled with various chemicals that might damage your nail beds. Instead, use some cotton balls and alcohol to get rid of them and keep your nails healthy!

Cleans Your Skin

Rubbing alcohol has a lot of great properties to keep your skin clean. It can be soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties that are great for your skin! Use this instead of chemicals like benzoyl peroxide.

Removes Stickers

If you peeled off a sticker or price tag and still have sticky gunk left behind, you can soak the area with some alcohol for a few minutes. You should be able to wipe away the residue easily.

Cleans Carpet

The nature of rubbing alcohol makes it great for removing grease stains from carpets. Apply the rubbing alcohol to a clean rag, and lightly scrub the stained area.

Stretches Shoes

Spray a thin coat of rubbing alcohol on your shoes and inside the soles. Then put some thick socks on, and put your shoes on to stretch them out.

Cleans Keyboards

You can clean the surfaces of your desktop and laptop keyboards using rubbing alcohol. Apply the rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball or Q-tip, and run it across the keyboard’s surface.

Disinfects Eyeglasses

Got smudges on your glasses that just won’t go away, however much you scrub with those fancy cloths? The secret ingredient you need in your arsenal is rubbing alcohol. It cuts through the oils left behind by your fingers (and, yes, that well-used cloth) to give it a resplendent sheen.

Freshens the Air

Freshen the air in your home with an all-natural room spray that you made yourself. Start with rubbing alcohol and add any fragrance you like.

Cleans (Some) Jewelry

Restore the luster to your jewelry by soaking it in rubbing alcohol before cleaning. Place the jewelry in the alcohol for just a few minutes before cleaning it with a clean cloth.

Kills Bed Bugs

Spray a mist of rubbing alcohol over your bed or anywhere else you have dust mites or bed bugs. Let the mist air dry, and vacuum it up.

Fixes Broken Makeup

Pour some rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle, and spray it over your broken eye shadow, blush, or pressed powder. Smooth it over with your finger, a spoon, or anything else you think will work, and let it dry and harden over a few hours.

Cleans Dry Erase Boards

Rubbing alcohol is a cheap alternative to more expensive dry erase board cleaners and works just as well. Just spray it on and wipe with a paper towel or cloth.

Removes Stinky Smells

Spray stinky shoes or other smelly items with some rubbing alcohol, and let them dry in a sunny spot to get rid of the smell.

Sanitizes Your Hands

You can make your hand sanitizer by mixing three parts of rubbing alcohol and one part of aloe vera gel. You can add some essential oils if you want them to be scented.

Helps With Skin Irritation

Hinder irritation by rubbing alcohol onto areas that are irritated after shaving armpits and bikini lines!

Helps Heal Cold Sores

You can dry out your cold sore and help it to heal faster by rubbing an alcohol-soaked cotton ball on it.

Treats Head Lice

Pour rubbing alcohol on your hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. You can also dip a comb in alcohol and comb it through your hair following the initial treatment.

Cleans Your Mirrors

Easily remove hair spray residue from a mirror using rubbing alcohol. Simply apply alcohol to a clean rag or spray it directly on the mirror’s surface before wiping it up.

Cleans Your Blinds

Clean your Venetian or vertical blinds by wrapping a cloth around a spatula or other flat tool and securing them with a rubber band. Then simply apply alcohol and run the makeshift tool over your blinds to clean them.

Removes Ear Wax

Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and vinegar, and dip your cotton swab in it. Use it to clean out your ear and dissolve the wax.

Keeps Your Car Windows Frost-Free

Spraying a little rubbing alcohol onto a frozen car window defrosts it in no time. The very low temperatures required to freeze alcohol make it the perfect choice for removing window frost in the morning.

Sanitizes Makeup Brushes

Soak your makeup brushes in alcohol for 30 minutes, and let them air dry. You should do this at least once a month.

Prevents Ring Around the Collar

Wiping your neck with rubbing alcohol before getting dressed in the morning is a great way to prevent stains on your shirt collar. The alcohol is great at removing the oils, dirt, and sweat that cause the staining.

Prevents Sweat Stains

Wipe areas on your body that are prone to sweat stains, like the collar, armpits, inner elbows, and knees. The alcohol acts as an antiperspirant.

Removes Permanent Marker

Did you accidentally write on your whiteboard with a permanent marker instead of a dry-erase marker? Add a dab of rubbing alcohol to a moist sponge, and gently scrub the area. The alcohol will dissolve the unwanted marks on any non-porous surface.

Removes Ink Stains

If you spill ink on an article of clothing, soak it in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes before washing. The ink should come right out.

Cleans Bathroom Fixtures

Rubbing alcohol is a great solution for cleaning your bathroom fixtures. Apply a little to a clean, soft cloth to make the chrome surfaces in your bathroom sparkle.

Cleans Appliances

Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a sponge, and scrub any dingy appliances. The alcohol will leave a streak-free shine since it evaporates in seconds.

Cleans Granite Countertops

Rubbing alcohol mixed with dish soap and essential oils makes a great non-abrasive cleaner for your granite countertops. Plus, the mixture sanitizes your surfaces while it cleans.

Remove Ticks

Ticks are an unpleasant part of outdoor fun, and they can even transmit Lyme disease. If one happens to attach, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply it directly to the tick. The alcohol can shock the tick, making removal easier. After the tick is removed, use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the bite.

Works as a De-greaser

Using rubbing alcohol to clean greasy surfaces, such as stovetops and oven vents, cuts through any grease, making cleanup a breeze. In addition, the rubbing alcohol evaporates naturally, leaving no need to dry it up.

Polishes Stainless Steel

To get your stainless steel sink to shine, rub isopropyl alcohol on it using a clean cloth after cleaning it. For best results, wait for your sink’s surface to dry completely before applying the rubbing alcohol.

Cleans Laminate Floors

Mix a little rubbing alcohol with water, vinegar, and dish soap, and you have a perfect floor cleaner for your laminate floors. Simply spray it on and wipe it up with a damp sponge or mop.

Reduces Swelling

Applying rubbing alcohol to a swollen area of your body helps reduce the swelling. It does this by bringing blood to that area, enhancing the healing process.

Use As a Deodorant

As alcohol kills bacteria, you can have clean-smelling pits even if you forget to have a deodorant supply around you. Simply swipe some on.

Alternative Air Freshener

If you’re interested in the air freshener idea mentioned earlier, but want to try something a little different, here’s a good option. In a 32-ounce bottle mix 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1/2 cup of Downy Unstopables, and 2 caps full of rubbing alcohol. Smells like fresh laundry!

Marbled Manicure

Rubbing alcohol has so many awesome artistic purposes, including giving your nails a beautiful marbled look. All you need to do is first, paint your nails white. Then, color them with colored Sharpies. Lastly, go over the marker with some rubbing alcohol and it will bleed the colors beautifully.

Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Moisture that is left in your ear after swimming can lead to a nasty ear infection. Prevent this by giving your ears a swab of alcohol after getting out of the water. The alcohol will help evaporate any moisture left in your ear.

Clear Up Acne

The drying properties of rubbing alcohol are great when it comes to healing acne and stubborn pimples. Just be careful not to leave the alcohol on the acne or zit for too long–it could cause a ‘burn’ on your skin which can leave a scar.

Get Rid of Nail Fungus

Are your nails flaky or cracked? You could be dealing with a nail fungus. Make a foot soak using water and rubbing alcohol in a 1:1 ratio and soak for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week until the symptoms subside.

Treat Athlete’s Foot

Since we’re on the topic of feet and fungus, rubbing alcohol is also a great tool to help treat athletes’ feet. Cure the itch with the same soak that we mentioned in the previous slide. If you don’t have time for a soak, you can also use a cotton ball to rub your feet down with rubbing alcohol every day until the condition goes away.

Sterilize Medical Items

We’ve already shown you a few things that you can disinfect using rubbing alcohol, but really–it’s so incredibly useful. For example, if you or a family member used a thermometer while they had the flu, you can disinfect it by soaking it in rubbing alcohol.

Control a Staph Infection

Staph infections can be truly scary. If someone in your household happens to have it, you can reduce the spread, the infection, and chances of re-infection by regularly wiping down all touched surfaces with rubbing alcohol.

Remove Scuffs from Linoleum

Not only is rubbing alcohol amazing for cleaning laminate floors, but it will remove scuff marks from linoleum flooring in no time. Just use rubbing alcohol and a sponge to scrub away the scuffs with almost zero scrubbing effort!

Get Rid of Onion and Garlic Odor from Hands

After chopping onions or some garlic, it can leave our hands smelling, well…like onions and garlic! Even with soap, it can be hard to remove their potent odor. Luckily, rubbing alcohol can do the trick! Just rub some between your hands and the odor will vanish. The alcohol smell will evaporate quickly.

Remove water marks

Water marks can make glass shower screens appear dirty, and they’re frustratingly difficult to get rid of. Fortunately, rubbing alcohol can make the process significantly easier and leave you with a sparkling bathroom in no time at all. Simply make a solution with one part alcohol to ten parts water, spray it directly onto the spots and wait for half an hour. The alcohol will dissolve the mineral deposits that cause the marks, allowing you to easily wipe them away.

Reduce nausea

Piotr Marcinski / EyeEm/Getty

A review of studies found that patients’ nausea following an operation was reduced more effectively when they smelled alcohol compared to when they took anti-nausea medication. Whilst the study didn’t look at nausea from other causes, it stands to reason that having a whiff of some rubbing alcohol could help regardless of why you’re feeling sick. There is one notable exception, however: if your nausea is the result of excessive revelry, it’s probably best to give this trick a miss.

Use it as a disinfectant

Diana Polekhina/Unsplash

Even minor cuts and scrapes have the potential to turn nasty if infection sets in, so you want to make sure you thoroughly disinfect wounds as soon as you sustain them. Rubbing alcohol is a cheap and effective solution, quickly killing any pathogens that might have found their way into the injury. Fair warning, it will sting for a few seconds, but that’s better than a potentially life threatening infection.

Give sponges a second life

Artem Makarov/Unsplash

Useful they may be, but sponges also have a tendency to turn into hotbeds of bacterial growth. Most sponges should be thrown away after a week or two so that you don’t accidentally spread harmful pathogens to your dishes and kitchen surfaces, but you can use some rubbing alcohol to extend their lifespan. All you need to do is dilute the alcohol in a bowl of water and soak your sponges overnight to kill any colonies of bacteria that have set up shop.

Clean your piercings

Kilian Seiler/Unsplash

Fresh piercings are incredibly susceptible to infection, and require a lot of work to keep them clean. Regularly wiping down the site of the piercing with some diluted rubbing alcohol can kill any bacteria that has found its way in before it can cause an infection. Even after the piercing has healed, cleaning the area with a little alcohol from time to time can keep it fresh and prevent unpleasant odours from developing.

Remove stains from microfibre

Angelo Pantazis/Unsplash

Microfibre is becoming an increasingly common material for upholstery thanks to its soft, velvety texture and sturdiness. It is also easy to clean, provided you have the right tools for the job. Rubbing alcohol is incredibly effective at removing stains from microfibre upholstery, even if the stains are from notoriously difficult substances like coffee or red wine.

Make reed diffusers

Mindaugas Norvilas/Unsplash

Reed diffusers are an excellent way of filling your home with pleasant aromas without having to worry about the negative health effects of aerosols or scented candles. They can be on the expensive side, but fortunately they’re easy to make at home, saving you a few bucks and allowing you to customise the scent. All you need to do is fill a bottle with some carrier oil (safflower or almond are both safe bets), add a dozen drops of your chosen essential oil and a small amount of rubbing alcohol and insert a few wooden skewers.

Clean a pipe

Hipsters’ obsession with reviving antiquated technology has led to an unlikely resurgence in the popularity of pipes. Aside from actually being worse for your health than cigarettes, pipes are also notoriously difficult to clean, with a thick layer of gunky tar clogging them up after a few months. If you insist on using a pipe, regularly soak it in a bowl of rubbing alcohol and then scrub it with a pipe cleaner to keep it properly clean.

Polish a chandelier

Victoria Priessnitz/Unsplash

When it comes to interior design, it doesn’t get much more opulent than a chandelier. Unfortunately, over time these extravagant hanging lights can lose their sparkle, especially if they’re made with cheaper gemstones or plastic. Soak a rag in a diluted rubbing alcohol solution and then gently wipe down your chandelier to restore its dazzling shine.

Get rid of mould

Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Mould infestations can cause structural damage to your home and – depending on the variety – lead to longterm respiratory problems. You should take actions as soon as you detect the signs of mould as it’s significantly easier to deal with in the early stages. Soak a sponge in some rubbing alcohol and thoroughly scrub the affected area until you see can’t any traces of mould.

Winter-proof your home’s windows

Chloe Ridgway/Unsplash

During the winter months, frost can appear on the outside of your home’s windows. For older, single paned windows, this can cause damage to the frames, and even when this isn’t an issue it’s still annoying not being able to see out of your windows. To nip this problem in the bud, wipe your windows with a microfibre cloth soaked in some rubbing alcohol.

Clean candles in jars


Candles in jars are all the rage these days, with companies like Yankee Candle offering vast ranges of options in varying sizes. Whilst candle jars are convenient and safe, a thick layer of soot eventually builds up near the rim, making them look dirty and giving off a smell of burning. Fortunately, this soot is easy to get off with a bit of rubbing alcohol, an old cloth and a bit of effort.

Tie dye your t-shirts

Alexander Grey/Unsplash

Tie dye has recently seen a dramatic – if somewhat unexpected – resurgence in popularity. Whilst big brands are charging top dollar for tie dye outfits, it’s easy to make your own with some rubbing alcohol and a few household supplies. Wearing rubber gloves and a face mask, mix the alcohol and the dyes of your choice in a bucket before dipping in whatever it is you want to send back to the 70s.

Blend colouring pencils

Lucas George Wendt/Unsplash

Colouring pencils are a great way to let kids indulge their artistic streaks without risking too much of a mess, but they’re definitely more limiting than paints. However, by dipping a cotton bud in some rubbing alcohol, you can blend drawings done with colouring pencils, creating a convincing watercolour effect.

Get acrylic paint off your clothes

Senjuti Kundu/Unsplash

Acrylic paint is cheap, versatile and can be applied to virtually any surface. Unfortunately, this last property can make it a nightmare to get off your clothes. Rubbing alcohol can get acrylic paint off fabrics, but you’ll have to act quickly, as once the paint dries it will become nigh-on impossible to ever get it off.

Clean glass bottles

A R/Unsplash

Glass bottles can serve as great makeshift vases or candleholders, but they tend to go cloudy over time. To restore shine and translucence to old glass bottles, soak a rag in some alcohol and give them a thorough rub. This can be repeated as often as you’d like, allowing you to keep using your bottles indefinitely.

Soothe a twisted ankle

Twisting an ankle is an agonising experience that can leave you hobbling around in pain for days. To speed up the healing process, soak a cloth in some diluted rubbing alcohol and apply to the afflicted ankle. It will increase blood flow to the area, reducing inflammation and alleviating some of the pain.

Clean your gardening tools

Nastya Kvokka/Unsplash

Gardening tools like trowels and spades tend to get coated in a thick layer of hardened dirt that can be extremely hard to get off. Because this dirt also often contains organic matter from plants and soil, it tends to develop a potent smell over time. To get your gardening tools looking like the day you bought them, soak them in some diluted rubbing alcohol before vigorously scrubbing them down.

Relieve pain from arthritis

Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Arthritis is a common condition that causes joints to painfully swell and stiffen. In the United States, 24% of all adults suffer with arthritis in some form. An easy way to gain relief during an arthritic flare up is to dilute some alcohol in cold water and apply it to the area.

Treat mosquito bites

Wolfgang Hasselmann/Unsplash

Mosquito bites can quickly turn idyllic summer days into an itchy nightmare. To make matters worse, mosquitoes can carry deadly diseases such as malaria and Japanese encephalitis, and even bites that don’t carry those diseases can quickly develop into nasty infections. Diluted rubbing alcohol can give you some relief from burning, itching bites whilst keeping them infection free.

Make a cloud chamber

Invented by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson in 1911, cloud chambers are particle detectors that allow the passage of ionising radiation to be seen. A cloud chamber consists of a sealed segment containing a supersaturated vapour of alcohol, which can be achieved by soaking a piece of sponge in rubbing alcohol and blasting it with an air duster. When an energetically charged particle moves through this alcohol vapour it knocks electrons off the gas particles, resulting in a mist-like trail.

Degrease your engine


Over time, a thick layer of grease can build up on your car’s engine. This can eventually cause problems such as overheating, which will cause components to degrade faster than they otherwise would. Whilst removing this thick, viscous grease can be an arduous process, rubbing alcohol can make the job significantly easier.

Disinfect manicuring scissors

Aleks Magnusson/Pexels

Dirt and bacteria build up under your nails, and they are transferred to your manicuring scissors every time you have a trim. To keep your scissors clean and hygienic, give them a quick wipe with some rubbing alcohol after you use them. It’s also a good idea to give them an overnight soak in some diluted alcohol from time to time.

Get smears off your sunglasses

Rio Kuncoro/Pexels

Because sunglasses tend to get frequently taken off and put back on again, they often accumulate irritating smears on their lenses. These smears can be maddeningly difficult to get rid of, but, once again, rubbing alcohol can lend a helping hand. Just make sure you dilute the alcohol in water first, using a roughly one to two ratio, as pure alcohol could damage the special coating that coats the lenses of some glasses.

Use it as a cooking fuel

Vanessa Garcia/Pexels

Alcohol is highly flammable and it burns very evenly, making it an ideal cooking fuel. If you’re going on a trip into the great outdoors and you can’t get hold of any gas to fuel your camping stove, rubbing alcohol will do just fine. You can also buy specialised alcohol burners, which will provide about 15 minutes of flame for every two ounces of alcohol you put in them.

Make weed killer

Laura Stanley/Pexels

Weeds can be a pernicious problem. As well as outcompeting and killing the plants you actually want in your garden, they can cause structural damage to paving and patios. Many commercial weedkillers contain toxic chemicals, but you can make your own using rubbing alcohol, white vinegar and a little bit of lemon juice. Simply spray this mixture onto the offending weeds and watch them wither away.

Clean TV remotes

TV remotes tend to get touched by lots of different hands, and as a result, they are often teeming with bacteria and viruses. You should clean your remote every couple of weeks by wiping it with a rag soaked in diluted rubbing alcohol. You can also use a Q-tip soaked in alcohol to clean between the buttons if you want to be extra thorough.

Use it to repel rodents


Infestations of rats and other rodents can quickly spiral out of control thanks to the prodigious rate at which they procreate. Worse, rodents can inflict serious damage on wood, upholstery and wiring, and they often carry unpleasant diseases. To keep rodents at bay, make a solution from rubbing alcohol and citronella oil and spray it around any areas in which you have detected signs of infestation.

Repels Fruit Flies

Spray a mist of rubbing alcohol in the area where you find fruit flies. This will kill the extant flies and keep away new infestations.

Use in Ice Packs

Alcohol freezes at a very low temperature, so this is perfect if you need an ice pack. To prepare a slushy solution, use alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:2, and freeze it in a sealable pack.

Cleans Your Phone

Use a little rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth to wipe down your phone each morning. In addition to removing any grime, the rubbing alcohol also disinfects your device.

Soothes Body Aches

Rub some alcohol on your skin where you’re achy. The rubbing alcohol will bring blood to the surface of your skin to cool and relax muscles.