They turn up late

If a pre-arranged time and place has been set and your date turns up late, that’s an instant red flag. Unforeseeable circumstances like a car breaking down or a cancelled train are understandable, but if the lateness is either not communicated or they brush it off like it’s no big deal, that’s a good indicator of how they could act going forward.

They’re rude to wait staff

Make a conscious effort to watch how your date treats other people. If they are rude to wait staff or complain about the service, chances are they think a little too much of themselves. Treating people with respect, especially those who work to provide a service, should be the least you expect out of a possible partner.

They can’t stop talking about their ex

Exes play an important part in our lives, so it’s natural to discuss them sometimes – but not on a first date. If your date brings up an ex, just politely let them know you don’t want to discuss the past. If they continue, it’s red flag central, as they are either not over them, or worse, weighing up their options by comparing you to them.

They don’t want to pay their fair share

In the modern age, paying the bill on a first date can be awkward. After all, nobody wants to come across as either old-fashioned or stingy. But if your date promises you of a perfect evening where they will take care of everything and then leaves you with the bill, lose their number.

They fail to dress to impress

A date is a lot like a job interview in that you are there to make a strong first impression. Even if you have known your potential suitor for years, if they rock up in jeans and a pair of Jordans, it isn’t a good sign. Comfy street clothes are all good for a trip to the mall, but not a restaurant. If they can’t be bothered to dress to impress for your date, they probably don’t care too much about you.

They’re looking at their phone rather than you

Cell phones can be a great tool to use on a first date. Snapping a cute selfie, showing pictures of family, even taking a picture of the delicious food you are about to share. But if your date is texting while you’re talking, or chooses to make a phone call, that’s a sign they aren’t interested. They should have their attention 100% on you, rather than on something else.

They show no interest in your life

”So, tell me about yourself” is a classic opener for good reason, as first dates are all about getting to know each other. If you have spent the better part of your date listening to someone tell you all about their life, school, jobs and family but they are yet to even ask about yours – that’s a red flag. This means they are self-centred, and only interested in themselves.

They are too pushy

If, before your first date has really begun, your date starts talking about the second or third date, this is a warning sign. Expecting or asking for too much too soon can mean your date is overconfident and a little too keen. If they start to talk about intimacy or kid’s names, run for the door.

They’re all style, no substance

If your date mentions what car they drive, how much money they earn or how big their house is without you asking, that’s instant red flag. Boasting about what they have rather than who they are is a sure way to identify your date as someone who is putting on a front to try and impress you.

They are too vague on future plans

The potential for a red flag is as strong at the end of a date as it is at the start. If you plan on a second date and they won’t commit to a certain time or place, that isn’t a good sign. If they vaguely promise to give you a call sometime, don’t bother waiting by the phone all day. Just see it for what it is – they’re just not that into you.