Banana slicer

The fact a banana slicer even exists seems a little ridiculous. It is a plastic outline of a banana with plastic blades to slice down the banana. The problem is that bananas can vary in shape quite a lot so banana slicers don’t actually even work for every banana. When knives exist, there is absolutely no need for a gadget that slices nothing but bananas, especially when it does it so badly.

Pet rock

Photo by Ian Munroe/Flickr

The fact you have to face is that a rock is a rock is a rock. They are cold and hard and not very good for cuddling. They also are not alive, which is what makes the old trend of pet rocks so perplexing. There is nothing one can achieve from carrying around a rock as a companion. They don’t even have cute faces!

Shoe umbrella

If you wear inappropriate shoes outdoors in poor weather, you are going to get wet feet. A shoe umbrella will not prevent that since water can also reach your shoes from puddles and wet roads. The shoe umbrella is not only a useless invention, but it is incredibly impractical and looks silly too. Imagine having to attach your shoe umbrellas when you leave the house just because it’s raining! Wear rainboots or use a full-sized umbrella instead.

Taco propper

This little contraption is essentially a stand for tacos to rest them in once they’ve been prepared, to keep them separated and upright. While this serves a purpose, how often does the average person actually make tacos at home? Taco Tuesday tends to be more of a thing for schools and businesses than most families. Essentially: propping up your tacos is not worth the extra space a taco propper will take up in your kitchen.

Toilet golf

What would you rather do on the toilet, scroll on TikTok or play golf? If you can honestly answer the latter then you are in a tiny minority and also might be one of the only people who should consider buying a toilet golf set. A green patch goes around the toilet and then you play mini-golf, putting a ball into a hole in the green. Uninspiring? Yes! A waste of time? You bet!

Tea Nespresso capsules

Nespresso capsules are not inherently useless as coffee can be complicated and time-consuming to brew correctly. However, if you have spotted these Nespresso capsules for tea, you have witnessed one of the most useless inventions of all time. Not only are teabags much cheaper, but they are less work to use than Nespresso capsules, and they don’t require any special equipment.

Avocado saver

It seems like a lot of the useless items that people actually buy into are food related, like this avocado saver. This is an avocado shaped piece of plastic with one side made of silicone. The idea is that you can store half of an open avocado in this “saver” to preserve it for longer. The problem is that it doesn’t actually preserve things for longer and due to its unique shape, it cannot be used for anything else.

Two person sweater

Adult clothing is always designed to fit a single person because that makes things like moving around a lot easier. The two-person sweater breaks that rule by being a garment designed to fit two people. It’s more of a cute novelty gimmick than anything else, but it is an entirely useless item considering how difficult it makes things like going to work, to the bathroom, or even walking around.

Carrot sharpener

Carrots are a great shape. You may have compared them to giant pencils before in life which may be why someone decided to invent the carrot sharpener. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no point in having a very sharp carrot because carrots are never actually used as weapons. Carrot sharpeners are still for sale if you do ever decide you want one though.

Baby mop

Even if you have a baby, there’s little chance you’ve thought about how they do not contribute to the housework at all. A baby mop is a solution to that non-existent problem. It is a little onesie with mop tendrils all over it so your baby can clean the floor while they crawl around. This will leave you with an inconsistently clean floor and a very dusty baby. Maybe not the genius move people thought it was.