Improve your lighting

As you age, your eyesight worsens, with symptoms including a reduced ability to distinguish between colors and cloudy patches in your vision. Unsurprisingly, this can lead to accidents and injuries around the home. By enhancing your lighting – particularly in hallways, staircases, and entryways – you’ll improve visibility and reduce the risk of accidents.

Create a bedroom on the ground floor

It’s easy to underestimate how difficult stairs can be when you’re older. So if your home has multiple levels, it’s well worth converting a room on the ground floor into a bedroom to avoid those painful steps entirely. Since this will likely be a significant change in the layout of your home, it’s best to get it done while you’re still physically able.

Install lever-style door handles

It might not seem like a big difference, but replacing traditional doorknobs with lever-style handles is an excellent way to futureproof your home, especially if you develop arthritis or have reduced hand strength. Rather than gripping and twisting painfully at the wrist, you can instead use the full action of your arms.

Install a stairlift

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

While some might balk at the idea of installing a stairlift in their home, these machines are more affordable and convenient than ever. Gone are the days of slow-moving, grinding devices. Plus, given that most accidents among older people happen around the stairs, they’re among the greatest investments in your safety that you could make.

Get a walk-in shower

Long has showering been associated with proactive go-getters, whereas bathing is a symbol of relaxation and indulgence. But why should aging slow you down? Getting a walk-in shower is actually a safer alternative to stepping over a bathtub ledge on to a slippery floor.

Make your home smart

In the digital age, getting older is much less of a tribulation than it used to be. That’s because smart home technologies, such as voice-controlled lighting and temperature control, make life so much easier. These systems, which are very low-maintenance once installed, mean you can tweak things in your home to your preferences with a single sentence. No more struggling out of the armchair to reach the thermostat!

Add anti-scald devices to taps

It’s a sad fact of life that your hand-eye coordination begins to worsen with age. While the prospect of never becoming an NBA champ in your 60s is hardly going to trouble most people, the prospect of accidental burns should. Thankfully, by installing anti-scald devices on faucets and showers you can regulate water temperature and prevent these avoidable injuries.

Create a low-maintenance yard

Horticulture can be an excellent hobby for older people with more time on their hands and a need for fresh air and exercise. That said, you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew. Opt for low-maintenance landscaping options that minimize the need for regular upkeep, such as native plants, automatic irrigation systems, and artificial turf.

Widen your doorways

It’s no secret that we put on weight as we age, but you might want to widen the doorways of your home for an entirely different reason. Generally speaking, homes aren’t designed with consideration for mobility aids such as wheelchairs and walkers, making traversal between rooms an exhausting task. By widening your doorways, even by a few inches, you can make getting around a breeze.

Improve your home security

According to the Department of Justice, elderly people are far more likely to be targeted by criminals because “they are socially isolated, tend to live in urban areas, depend on public transportation, and follow predictable behavior patterns.” A comprehensive home security system with features like surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and emergency alerts can provide peace of mind and enhance your safety.

Install handrails to both sides of your staircase

Navigating stairs can be tricky, especially as we age. To improve confidence and provide extra support when going up or down a flight of steps, install handrails at both ends of the stairway – choose models offering comfortable grip and ensure they are securely fastened for optimal safety.

Create an exercise space within your home

Staying physically active as we age is vitally important; creating an area in your home for fitness activities should become part of everyday living. Make fitness an integral component of your daily life!

Switch to a cordless phone setup

Make communication in your home simpler and safer by switching to a cordless phone system featuring multiple handsets. By having one near wherever you are in the room, there’s no need to rush and risk tripping over to pick up a call.

Use lever-style faucets to lend a hand

Do you find it challenging to turn round taps on and off? Having lever-style faucets available makes life simpler – particularly in kitchen and bathroom settings so flow and temperature of water can be with one simple flick of an up or down lever!

Make your tub or shower slip-free

To further increase safety in the bathroom, add a non-slip mat in both tub and shower to give yourself secure footing when wet conditions arise – opt for one with a textured surface to increase slip resistance.

Add some order to your life with labels

Make sense of your space with labels and color-coding. It’s a small change that can make a big difference, helping you to find what you need when you need it. Plus, it can add a little pop of color and fun to your daily routine.

Simplify your life with easy-to-use appliances

Who said modern technology had to be complicated? When you’re shopping for new appliances, opt for models with user-friendly features like voice control or one-touch buttons. You’ll be surprised at how much these little conveniences can brighten your day.

Create a cozy sitting area on your front porch

Having a bench or a comfortable chair on your porch not only adds a nice aesthetic touch, but also gives you a convenient spot to rest or enjoy a chat with neighbors. This also allows you to get a breath of fresh air without having to stand for long periods.

Invest in a comfortable and supportive mattress

Investing in a good mattress is like treating yourself to a spa day, every day. With the right support and pressure relief, you’ll drift off to dreamland in no time. Remember, better sleep means better health and mood.

Light the way to your front door

Ensure safe and welcoming access to your home by illuminating the walkway to your front door. You might choose solar-powered lights or motion-activated lighting for this purpose. Good outdoor lighting also acts as a deterrent for any potential intruders, providing an extra layer of security.

Install a hand-held shower head

A hand-held shower head allows you to have more control and flexibility while showering, making it an ideal choice for older adults. A shower head with an extended hose and adjustable height allows you to comfortably reach all parts of your body with ease.

Automate your home, simplify your life

Imagine being able to control your home’s lighting, temperature, and even security with just your voice or a tap on your phone. With a home automation system, that’s all possible. Make your home smarter, and your life, easier.

Plan for the unexpected with an evacuation plan

We never like to think about emergencies, but it’s always best to be prepared. Create an emergency evacuation plan and share it with a trusted neighbor or family member. It’s like having an insurance policy on your safety – it gives you peace of mind knowing that if something unexpected happens, you’re ready for it.

Add a touch of tech with a video doorbell

Not only does a video doorbell let you see who’s at your door, but it also lets you chat with them without even opening it! It’s like having your own personal security guard that screens your visitors for you. Opt for a model with two-way audio to make your doorstep conversations even easier.

Create a list of emergency contacts

Keep a list of emergency contacts readily accessible. It’s one of those things you hope you’ll never need but will be so grateful for if you do. This list should include names, phone numbers, and any important medical information.

Upgrade to a raised toilet seat

As you age, getting on and off the toilet can become more challenging. A raised toilet seat can ease this process and make it more comfortable. Some designs even offer padded options for an added comfort boost.

Install grab bars in the bathroom

Here’s a fact: bathrooms can be tricky places for older adults. The solution? Installing grab bars near key areas like the toilet, bathtub, and shower. Not only do they help prevent slips and falls, but they also come in various styles and materials that will seamlessly blend into your bathroom decor.

Consider an entrance ramp

If you or a loved one uses a wheelchair or walker, think about adding a ramp at your home’s entrance. It’s a small modification that can make a big difference in promoting independence and accessibility.

Opt for adjustable lighting

Credit: Paolomarco via Wikimedia Commons

As we age, our eyes become increasingly sensitive to various light levels. By investing in adjustable lighting solutions such as dimmable lights or lamps with multiple settings, you can create the ideal environment for reading, cooking or simply relaxing – creating the perfect atmosphere for any situation.

Stay cozy with a programmable thermostat

Why let extreme temperatures impact your comfort? With a programmable thermostat, you can set it and forget it! Simply schedule different temperatures for day and night based on your preferences, and let technology do the rest. You’ll stay snug as a bug all year round.

Embrace versatility with a multifunctional living space

As we age, our needs change. So why shouldn’t our homes change with us? Consider creating a multifunctional living space with flexible furniture and open layouts to accommodate different activities. Look for pieces with built-in storage and modular designs for ultimate flexibility.

Control your curtains at the click of a button

Who said adjusting curtains or blinds has to be a hassle? Install remote-controlled curtains and blinds and manage natural light and privacy without breaking a sweat. Just press a button, and voilà! Your living environment adjusts to your needs in an instant.

Make bath time luxurious with a walk-in bathtub

For bath lovers, a walk-in bathtub can be a real treat. These tubs allow for easy entry and exit, reducing the risk of slips and falls. And the cherry on top? Some models come with hydrotherapy jets, so you can enjoy a spa-like experience right at home! Safety, meet luxury.

Go cordless with a vacuum cleaner

Traditional vacuum cleaners can be bulky and hard to navigate, plus cords can become tripping hazards. Cordless vacuum cleaners, on the other hand, are lightweight and easily portable. They’re much simpler to use, and without the cord, you reduce the risk of a fall.

Keep your medications organized

Managing medications can be quite a task, particularly if there are multiple ones to keep track of. A pill organizer can be a lifesaver. With compartments for different days and times, it’s easier to ensure you take the right pills at the right times.

Make your garden more accessible

Gardening can be a therapeutic hobby, but kneeling down or bending can be tough. Raised garden beds or container gardening can bring the garden up to you. With these, you can enjoy your time in the garden without straining your back or knees.

Get a reacher grabber tool

Sometimes, we just can’t reach that item on the top shelf or don’t want to bend over to pick up something off the floor. A reacher grabber tool solves this issue. It’s an extension of your arm, allowing you to easily grab things that are just out of reach.

Introduce smart smoke detectors

Credit: Depwaldrontoo via Wikimedia Commons

Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors add an extra layer of safety to your home. Not only do they sound an alarm when smoke or carbon monoxide is detected, but they can also send alerts to your smartphone and even pinpoint the location of the danger. These smart features can give you crucial seconds to get to safety in case of an emergency.

Opt for appliances with automatic shutoff

Accidents happen. To reduce risk and accidents, choose appliances equipped with auto shutoff features – these features automatically turn off devices after an inactive period and decrease fire or safety risks associated with using devices like stovetops, irons and heaters. This option is especially handy in terms of protecting us against fire hazards!

Organize your kitchen efficiently

Kitchens can be busy spaces with lots of items scattered around. To make it easier to find what you need, consider organizing your kitchen in a way that suits your flow of work. Store commonly used items at waist height to minimize bending or stretching. Label everything and consider pull-out drawers for easier access.