Try working out together as a couple

Now, when we say “working out together,” that’s not a euphemism! If your partner in the bedroom is also your workout partner, this can greatly increase your sense of personal and emotional connection. For one, studies have shown that couples who go running together find that it greatly increases romantic intimacy and boosts desire.

Keep an eye on the side effects of any medication

The older we get, the greater role medication plays in our daily lives – and this can prove detrimental to our sexual health. Certain treatments for cholesterol, ulcers and blood pressure, as well as anti-depressants and even antihistamines, can lead to problems with performance in the bedroom. If you feel such medication is having this effect, it’s worth discussing this with your doctor.

Take regular exercise

If there’s one thing that we’re always being told is essential in our later years, it’s taking regular exercise. As well as helping keep at bay any number of potential medical problems, keeping fit will also help you in the bedroom. Your stamina will increase, and you’ll be less likely to suffer pulled muscles, back pain or (in the case of men) any unplanned dysfunction.

Take care of your joints

Aches and pains in our knees, elbows and fingers are a sad, painful reality of getting old, and these can of course have a serious impact on the libido. Happily, certain ways of dealing with this discomfort can also have the bonus side effect of increasing intimacy with your partner: you may, for instance, consider sharing a warm bath prior to sharing your bed.

Speak openly with one another

Openness and honesty with your partner is of course important at any age, but it’s arguably even more vital as we get older. For some of us, our appetite and/or physical capacity for lovemaking may wane as the years go by, and it’s easy for partners to assume this is their fault. Be prepared to talk through these difficult matters with your loved one.

Try kegels – even if you’re male

It’s well established that kegel exercises are extremely beneficial for older women, as they help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control. However, kegels are great for men too, helping male performance by combatting any unwanted dysfunction and lessening a chance of premature ‘excitement’. Some have also claimed performing kegels can help increase pleasure in both men and women.

Pumps can provide a medication-free ED treatment

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Thanks to their comedic representation in movies like Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, pumps are usually not taken seriously. However, when used properly these devices can provide a helpful alternative to ED medications like sildenafil, as they temporarily increase the flow of blood into the male organ.

Take lubrication seriously

Dryness is an unfortunate reality for post-menopausal women, which can make sexual intimacy very uncomfortable. As such, the use of artificial lubricants during sexual activity is a must for most. Women may also find it beneficial to use a daily moisturizer on their intimate areas, which can help increase receptivity and flexibility when used long-term.

Don’t forget about STDs

STDs tend to be thought of as a problem that mainly effects younger people. However, age does not in any way render one immune to such ailments, so protection should still be used (particularly if you have more than one partner). It’s also worth noting that, unlike women, men can remain fertile even in old age, so pregnancy can still occur in heterosexual relationships.

Keep working on romance

Some couples over 50 will have been together for decades, so it’s easy to feel that any sense of mystery or excitement has long since disappeared. Maintaining a satisfying sex life is contingent on keeping the spark alive romantically. Make date nights a priority, and try to spend more time really paying attention to one another, rather than staring at screens all night every night.