They’re high achievers

Only children often feel pressure from their parents and society to succeed, and they put a lot of weight on their own accomplishments. Because only children don’t have siblings to compete with for their parents’ attention, they often feel the need to achieve more than children who grow up in large families.

They’re ambitious

Research shows that only children have a tendency to be more ambitious than their peers. Parents often tell their children that they can do anything and make any dream come true. Only children, who are more sensitive to the words of others, tend to believe these statements wholeheartedly.

They can be antisocial

Children who grow up with siblings learn how to share and cooperate. In addition, they tend to participate in more social activities than those who do not have siblings. However, this does not mean that only children do not share or are always lonely.

They’re very self-reliant

Children who are raised in a single-parent household tend to be self-reliant and emotionally stable. This may change as they grow older, however. When parents give their children too much attention, it can make the child feel guilty or responsible. The child might feel he or she can’t live up to expectations.

They’re sensitive

People who grew up as only children may not react well when someone teases them. That’s probably because they didn’t grow up with siblings to test their limits with on a regular basis. Therefore, people who grew up as only children might be more sensitive to criticism than people who grew up with siblings.

They can take care of their own needs

Only children are often more self-centered than other children because they have not learned to share or compromise. Siblings often compete for parental attention and resources. Since only children don’t have to contend with this, they’re able to learn how to put their needs first. Only children are the queens of self-care. They have the ability to make time for themselves every day.

They’re fiercely independent

Being an only child can have both advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest perks is that only children get so used to being alone that they are self-sufficient and independent. But this same trait can make it difficult for them to adjust when others are around. This means that, as adults, they tend to be very set in their ways.

They’re self-sufficient

People who prefer to learn a new skill rather than ask for help when they’re in trouble are likely to be only children. Because they grow up with fewer siblings and rely more heavily on themselves, only children are often self-sufficient, but this can also mean they don’t enjoy asking for help.

They’re usually introverted

If you get the feeling that the person you’re dating is interested in you but then they suddenly tell you they want some time to themselves, don’t worry about it. Many only children learn to enjoy the company of their own thoughts as they grow up, which can make them more comfortable spending time alone as adults.

They enjoy their own company

If you’ve got a friend who always seems to be able to find ways to pass the time, they’re probably an only child. Researchers at Middle Tennessee State University found that only children are especially creative when it comes to entertaining themselves. They may play alone or invent imaginary friends.

They’re very stubborn

While having a sibling can be an advantage, only children have to face the consequences of their actions alone. And because they’re often the ones being blamed for everything, it’s common for only children to feel a sense of responsibility as adults and be unwilling to admit wrongdoing.

They’re not great at sharing

While many of the myths about only children are untrue, it has been shown that their brains do differ from those of people who grew up with siblings. A study in China found that only children are less agreeable than those who grew up with siblings. A negative aspect of being an only child is that you may not learn how to share.

They don’t enjoy compromising

When you and your significant other can’t seem to come to a compromise, it might be because they’re used to getting their way as an only child. One study suggests that only children are more likely to be picked on and bullied, which can lead them to have trouble handling conflicts as adults.

They’re extremely creative

People who are known for their creative, out-of-the-box thinking tend to be only children. According to a study published in the journal Brain and Imaging Behavior, it was found that only children are more prone to creativity than those who have siblings.

They thrive off positive reinforcement

If you’re dating an only child or managing one in your workplace, it’s important to remember that this type of person values praise and recognition. Because only children often receive more attention from their parents than children with siblings, they need more positive feedback when they do something well.

They can be guarded

Are you wondering why your new colleague is so standoffish? It could be because they’re an only child. It’s been shown that people who grow up as only children are more likely to be shy and reserved around others as adults. However, multiple studies have disproved the theory that only children find it difficult to make friends.

They’re very private

Today, it is common for people to share every minute detail of their lives on social media. However, only children may feel reluctant before they post a public photo or share their thoughts in a tweet. Only children are often self-conscious about their social skills, and value privacy because they have grown up being the center of attention in their household.

They can be shy in large groups

Only children are often great listeners and one-on-one conversationalists. However, if they aren’t familiar with their company, they can be shy around large groups of people and prefer to hang out in smaller groups. They’re not snobby; they’re just not used to all that noise!

They’re very intelligent

It is common knowledge that only children tend to be more intelligent than their peers. This is because they are able to focus more attention on learning and developing their verbal skills. Increased sibling size has also been proven to have a negative effect on IQ.

They tend to be possessive

A lot of research shows that only children aren’t any more spoilt than children with siblings. A recent poll found that 59% of parents admit to spoiling their kids, regardless of whether they have one or two. However, some only children may become attached to certain possessions because they don’t have siblings to share them with. This can lead them to act overprotective or territorial over their belongings.

They’re perfectionists

Because only children have no siblings with whom to compare their achievements, they sometimes place an unrealistic value on their own achievements. When they grow up in a close-knit family, they often feel that they have an equal say with their parents and that they should be able to perform as well as their parents do.

They avoid conflict

A 2016 study found that children with siblings were more agreeable than only children. Researchers suggested this could be because they have to share their parent’s attention. Although only children may initially have trouble working in teams, they’re unlikely to complain openly. They don’t like conflict because they haven’t had many opportunities to practice dealing with it.

They can be selfish

People who grow up as only children typically have a hard time seeing things from other people’s perspectives. They tend to be self-centered and not very good at playing a supporting role as they’re used to being the center of attention at home.

They’re often bossy

Only children tend to be used to getting their own way and may boss others around. It’s great to have a clear vision for what you want to achieve, but don’t let your desire for control get the better of you.

They’re mature for their age

Only children tend to be more mature than their peers, which means they tend to act more responsibly and are more independent than other kids their age. Because only children rely on themselves and adults for most of their social connections, it’s not surprising that they mature more quickly than most kids.

They’re usually very confident

Children without siblings tend to have higher self-esteem than children with siblings, which might be a result of their parent’s undivided attention. Because they feel so important and loved, these children develop a powerful sense of pride. Children who have siblings normally learn to share attention as they grow up, which might teach them that the world doesn’t care about them as much.

They’re extremely self-critical

Only children often think about how important it is for them to make something of themselves, and to make their parents and families proud. There is no second or third child to pick up the slack. With only children, the pressure to succeed can be intense, and they can be hard on themselves when things don’t go their way.

They’re cooperative

The ability to cooperate with others and act in a mature manner is called character. A study combining 115 previous studies found that only children showed more character than kids from large families. They get more practice acting like adults because they spend more time with their parents than children with siblings.

They keep things organized

Only children are often well-organized and pay close attention to details. They tend to be punctual, and many have strong skills for dealing with the demands of daily life. When parents do not overprotect and pamper only children, they learn to act like adults quickly.

They’re high academic achievers

According to a study in Child Development Research, children without siblings tend to perform better in school than their peers who have brothers and sisters. Some researchers believe that the attention and resources given to only children may contribute to them performing better academically.

They play well in a team

In a study from the journal Applied Economics, researchers found that only children tend to be more reluctant than those with siblings when it comes to joining a team, but once they do join the team, their performance surpasses that of students with siblings.

They’re often attention seekers

Even though they’re capable of spending time alone, when only children are with people they care about, they need those people to look at them, hear them, see them, and love them. When they act self-centered, it usually means they want attention – not necessarily because they love themselves, but because they need to feel that others love them.

They’re very honest

Only children are less likely to lie because they don’t have siblings with whom to play pranks. They are more honest with their parents and the people around them, especially if they have a close relationship with them. If you’re close with an only child, you might find that they seem to tell it like it is and are always honest about how they feel.

They have close friendships

Only children are typically more confident than children with siblings, so they have more friends. They also treat their friends as if they’re part of their family – creating a tight-knit group. When only children make friends, they value their friendships very highly and won’t tolerate anyone getting in the way of them.

They’re extremely headstrong

Because only children are never forced to consider anyone else’s feelings or methods of doing things, they are free to do whatever they want, whenever they want. Only children remain headstrong into adulthood, so you’ll most likely realize pretty early on in a relationship with one that they are the ones calling the shots.

They’re introspective, for better and worse

Because only children spend a lot of time alone, they have plenty of time to think. This can be either beneficial or detrimental. Only children tend to have an active imagination, but they also tend to spend a lot of time thinking about worries and anxieties.

They’re extremely loyal

Only children value their friendships and have a special connection with their best friends, who are like siblings. This makes their friendships more meaningful, long-lasting, and deeper than most other friendships. They are incredibly loyal and may be better at forming and maintaining strong friendships.

They tend to be close with their parents

Since they have no other children to play with, only children often form close bonds with their parents. For an only child in a relationship, their parents’ opinion about their partner would be very important to them. In addition, only children often feel comfortable confiding in their parents about their relationships.

They can be overwhelmed by big families

An only child may be overwhelmed at first by the hustle and bustle of a big family, but he or she will soon grow to love it. Dating an only child can be a lot of fun because they will be enthusiastic about meeting their partner’s family, becoming best friends with them, and forming bonds with their siblings and parents.

They get attached easily

Only children are perfectly content to spend time alone, so they only choose to engage with other people when they’re interested in them. Only children are also very good at offering their undivided attention to their friends and partners because this is how they grew up. As a result, they get attached to friends and love interests more easily.