They don’t want to talk

This seems obvious, but it’s an essential sign to look out for. If your partner doesn’t want to talk about whatever it is, then they’re probably hiding something from you. Be careful with this one though – sometimes people are just really private and you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

They are evasive

If your partner won’t give you direct answers to your questions, they might be hiding something from you. Again, this isn’t always an indication that they’re being shady – sometimes people want to keep things private for personal reasons that have nothing to do with them lying to you – but it’s still a warning sign that warrants further investigation.

They close up

If, when you try to talk to your partner about what’s bothering them or ask them why they’re acting differently, they close up and get defensive – this is another sign that there’s something going on. With that said, pushing too hard might make your other half feel as though they’re being interrogated, so be delicate.

They have a secret phone

It’s probably not an iPhone, or a Galaxy, or whatever their brand loyalty is, in fact, it might not have the look of a “smartphone” at all. If your partner has a second phone that they hide from you, then chances are they could be hiding something in their professional or personal life that they don’t want you to know about.

They are secretive about their online activity

Does your other half log in and out of sites quickly and is meticulous about clearing their browser history? When you ask them what they’ve been up to online, do they say that they have just been checking e-mail or doing some online shopping? If your partner seems to be constantly messaging online but who they’re talking to is a mystery, they could be hiding something.

They’re more concerned about their appearance

If your partner suddenly starts taking more care of their physical appearance or makes changes to the way they dress and groom themselves, this could be a sign that they’re trying to make an effort to look good for someone else. If you think your partner is dressing up because of someone else, then it’s worth doing some investigating.

They cancel last-minute

If your partner always seems to have an excuse for not being able to meet up with you or for cancelling plans last minute, then they’re definitely hiding something. A person who doesn’t want to see you, or is busy with someone else, will invent all sorts of excuses why they can’t hang out.

They spend more time alone

If your partner is hiding something, they’ll want to spend more time alone. They may say they are just going out for a run or a walk or grabbing coffee with a friend, but these outings might actually be an excuse to get away from you for at least a little while. They may even disappear into the bedroom for hours during the evening, or step outside to take phone calls.

You feel like something is off

As human beings, we are hardwired to sense when people are lying to us. There is a distinctive feeling that bubbles up from deep within you when you feel like you are being duped. Sure, some people might chalk this up to anxiety or overthinking things, but when it comes to dating, love, and romance – you shouldn’t ignore your gut instinct.

They seem emotionally unavailable

If your partner seems cold and disconnected and it just doesn’t feel like the same relationship you had before – take it as a warning sign that they aren’t being open with you. If your partner seems suddenly unwilling to share their feelings or their heart with you, it could be that they are hiding something from you.

They go radio silent

If you and your partner used to send each other sweet or flirty messages throughout the day, you’ll know what a big difference it can make in your day-to-day happiness. If these messages have stopped, it’s important to find out why. Maybe your partner is just busy or tired, or maybe they’re keeping secrets from you.

There’s no physical intimacy

It’s hard to feel secure in a relationship when your partner stops wanting to be intimate with you. One sign that your other half is hiding something from you is an abrupt change in their libido or bedroom behaviour. If your partner is seeing someone else, the excitement of the new relationship could be interfering with their ability to maintain the spark in their primary relationship.

They’re spending more time with friends

It’s natural for you and your partner to spend some time apart, but when this becomes a regular occurrence, it could be an important sign that something is amiss. If this marks a change from their normal pattern, it may be a red flag that they are hiding something from you.

Money has gone missing

Keeping a close eye on your financial situation is one of the best ways to spot potential problems. Your partner may be hiding something from you if they can’t account for the sudden loss of money in your accounts, such as a sudden withdrawal or a newly opened credit card. This could be a sign that they are having trouble with money or are spending on someone else.

They avoid making eye contact

If your partner is keeping secrets from you about something they’ve done or are planning on doing, guilt could play a role in why they’re not making eye contact with you. This means that when they’re not making eye contact with you, it may be because they feel ashamed about something they’ve done and are afraid to let you know.

They don’t tell you where they’re going

When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to be curious about what your partner does with their time. If they’re never around or disappear for long stretches at a time, it’s natural to wonder where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing. If, when you try to get information out of them the answers are vague or evasive, that could be a sign that they’re hiding something.

They overshare

There’s a fine balance between getting too little information and getting too much. For example, if you ask your partner where they were for dinner and they give you the name of the restaurant, date, time, and menu – but don’t volunteer any other information like who they were with – that may be a sign that they’re hiding something behind all the shared details.

They spend more time at work

If your partner has been going out for work-related reasons more often than normal lately, that’s definitely something worth bringing up. It could be a sign of increased responsibility at work, or it could be proof that they’re up to no good. Before you confront them, though, try to figure out why they’ve been spending so much time at the office.

They blame you

It’s pretty irritating when your partner won’t admit that they’re wrong, but it’s much worse when they try to convince you that you’re the one who has somehow messed up. When someone does this to you in a relationship, it’s called gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse, and it can be particularly dangerous.

They’re love-bombing you

Some people who are guilty of hiding things will attempt to get you off their trail by wining and dining you all of a sudden. The flattery and attention can be a sneaky way for them to make you feel less suspicious about where they go when they say they’re working late. Again, trust your gut on this one: If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t.

They accuse you of hiding things

When your partner starts attacking you, it’s a red flag, as they are usually trying to deflect the focus away from themselves. If they get defensive when you ask questions, they could be hiding something. If they deny wrongdoing in an argument, there is a good chance they are doing the same thing in other areas of your relationship.

Their schedule has changed

You know your partner best, so you can be objective about whether or not their schedule has changed. Maybe they’ve picked up a new class at school, started working out more, or taken on new responsibilities at work. These changes could be innocent, but they may also indicate that something else is going on in their life that they don’t want to share with you.

Their body language has changed

When someone is hiding something, their body language may give them away. Some people are great at hiding, but others may tense up and not want to be close to you. This is because they’re nervous and uncomfortable, and they don’t know how to deal with it. If you have noticed your partner withdrawing from you, it could be because they are hiding something.

They seem nervous

One way to tell if someone is hiding something from you is to pay attention to how they act when you’re together. If they’re nervous or restless, and this seems unusual or out of character, there’s a good chance that person is holding something back. Nervousness can manifest in all sorts of ways, from giggling and rambling to seeming quiet and withdrawn.

You sleep in separate rooms

Lack of intimacy in a relationship can have devastating effects on a couple. Not only might you feel like you’re losing your special bond with your partner, but studies show that a long-term lack of physical intimacy can lead to depression and other health problems in both men and women. If you find yourself sleeping alone more often than not, it’s important to find out why.

They’re always on their phone

A person’s mobile phone can tell you a lot about his or her personal life – where they are and with whom; who their friends are; what they do for fun and so on. As such, if you notice that your partner never leaves their phone out in the open, it could be a warning sign that there is something they don’t want you to see.

They change their passwords

Our phones are extensions of ourselves, so it’s natural to want to keep some sense of privacy around them. With that said, if you ask to see your partner’s phone, and they suddenly have an excuse about why the passcode is different than it was last week, they might be hiding something specific.

They don’t want to talk about their past

The fact that someone isn’t willing to talk about past relationships is not necessarily a deal breaker, but it could mean they have something to hide. Whatever the reason, if they refuse to open up about the past, start asking questions about what happened gently and with tact. If you really care about this person, you wouldn’t want to hurt them accidentally.

They can’t sit still

If someone is lying to you, they will probably start showing signs of nervousness, as that’s the body’s way of letting you know that something isn’t right. There are a number of different things your partner may do if nervous, but one thing that is often seen is excessive fidgeting. If your partner has started fidgeting when talking to you, it could be a sign that they are hiding things.

They leave the room to talk on the phone

Unless your partner is trying to plan a surprise party for you or has to take an important business call while you are yelling along to your favourite reality show, there really is no need for them to be alone when talking on the phone. It’s rude and, even if it doesn’t mean anything, you should still be wary and ask questions.

They don’t ask questions

As a general rule, people who aren’t interested in learning more about their partner may be keeping secrets. If your partner has stopped asking questions about your day, your work or your friends, it could be because they are subconsciously afraid of you asking questions in return and finding out something they’re trying to keep hidden.

They don’t take you out

If your partner no longer wants to take you dancing, out to fancy restaurants or on other special outings, it can be very disheartening. It’s important to make sure your partner isn’t pulling away from you emotionally or otherwise; as maybe they’re simply more comfortable at home. However, if there’s a drastic change in their behaviour and you’re not sure why, they could be hiding something.

You catch them in a lie

Trust is a key part of any relationship, and it’s important to be able to trust your partner. However, if you’re noticing inconsistencies in their stories or they’re suddenly remembering things that never happened, they may be hiding something. Maybe they’re having an affair or maybe they lost their job and are afraid to tell you.

They cut you out of their life

If you find yourself suddenly uninvited from plans or activities with your partner, then this is a serious red flag that’s worthy of exploration. Not only does it signal that they don’t respect your time and no longer want to hang out with you, but they may also be hiding something from you that would come out if you accompanied them to plans.

They’re easily annoyed

Most of the time when someone is trying to hide something from their partner, they lash out or act hurt to avoid the issue and the subsequent confrontation. If your partner erupts at you frequently and for seemingly no reason, then there is probably something going on that your partner isn’t telling you.

You don’t feel loved

Relationships are partnerships so, even if things aren’t completely 50/50 the whole time, it’s important to feel the same love, care and respect from your partner that you are giving them. If there is a sudden change in how you feel when you are around your other half, then that’s a sign that they’re no longer emotionally investing in the relationship.

They’re distant

When you’re in a committed relationship, your partner owes it to you to be transparent with you. While you’re not entitled to every little detail of their life, you have a right to know what’s going on with them. If your other half is keeping their distance and is being consistently evasive, they might be hiding something pretty serious.

You’ve heard rumours

Some rumours are founded in truth, but most aren’t. Thanks to this, it can be hard to know when to believe them, especially if you’re hearing them about someone you trust. With that said, if you’re hearing the same kind of rumours again and again about your partner from different sources, then that’s a sign that they could be true.

They’re vague

When your partner is vaguer than usual, it’s important to ask questions. If they continue to give vague answers, you may want to consider that they’re hiding something. There could be a simple and innocuous explanation for their behaviour, but it’s better to know what’s really going on in order to figure out how to proceed with your relationship.

Their voice has changed

What if you could catch someone in a lie just by listening to the sound of their voice? If you’ve been with your partner for a while, you may start to recognize changes in their voice when something is wrong. These signs are subtle but, if you know your partner well enough, you may be able to recognise when they are lying to you.

They’re always busy

If your partner has been really busy lately and can’t see anyone else except for his or her coworkers, there’s a chance they are hiding something from you. Although this could be a sign that they are dealing with a work-related matter that they don’t want to share with you, it could also mean your partner is engaged in an extramarital affair.

They have new friends you’ve never met

If you’ve noticed that your partner is spending a lot of time with people you don’t know, or they are always disappearing when these people come around, then they could be hiding something. Maybe they’ve developed a new interest that they don’t want to include you in, or maybe they have a new flame that they’re trying to keep under wraps.

They’re unreachable when you’re apart

If you used to send sweet messages to your partner throughout the day, but now they have gone cold on you, it may be a sign that they are hiding something from you. You might wonder if they are seeing someone else and trying to hide it from you. These concerns can build up over time and cause a lot of worry and suspicion in your relationship.

Your bedroom activities have changed

One of the signs that your partner is cheating on you is when they start trying new things in the bedroom. They might start trying positions or other things you haven’t tried before. You might think this is just them exploring their sexuality, but they may be learning all of these new things from someone else.

They’re never present

When your partner is keeping secrets from you, you might notice that they are very preoccupied. They may seem to be in their own world and not pay much attention to what you are saying. They may also make small mistakes when doing simple tasks, like burning the food they cook, breaking a glass or losing keys. This is a sign that there is something they are not telling you.

They’re always travelling

Have you been noticing that your partner has been travelling more often lately? Maybe he or she has started taking a lot of extra long business trips and, when you ask your partner where they are going, they give vague and unhelpful answers. This is a very concerning sign, as the reason for their trips might not be work like they are claiming.

They’ve stopped saying ‘I love you’

When you’re in love, it’s natural to want to express your affection for your partner. You might want to tell them how much you care about them, or how happy you are to be with them. But if your partner has been avoiding those kinds of sincere expressions of love, it could be the sign of a deeper problem – a sign that they are hiding something.

They accuse you of invading their privacy

If you are with someone who is involved in a secret, they may get defensive and angry when you ask them a totally innocuous question about their day or what they’ve been up to. They may even respond by accusing you of invading their privacy. This shows how guilty they are feeling, as they are scrambling to stop you from discovering what they are hiding.

They change the subject

We’ve all been there – your partner is acting suspicious and you want to know what’s going on, so you ask them point blank. They go silent, look panicked and then change the subject. What are they hiding? Are they being honest? If they are hiding something, what could it be?

Their excuses are weak

When it comes to dealing with excuses, you have to be the judge of what is a good one and what isn’t. There are great excuses, and then there are excuses that just make no sense at all. As for those weaker excuses, there’s a good chance they could be just plain lies. If something just doesn’t sound right and your partner can’t give you a reasonable explanation for it, then you should start to get worried.

They sneak off when you’re asleep

Imagine this: you wake up in the middle of the night to find an empty space in your bed. You hear the bathroom door close and minutes later, the shower turns on. I’m sure we can all agree that this is a suspicious situation. No matter their explanation, there will always be that lingering doubt that something is going on behind your back.

They seem happier when they’re away from you

It’s possible that the reason your partner is enjoying themselves more while they are away from you is because they’re getting something they need from their other relationships that they can’t find with you. For example, maybe your partner feels like they can relax around their friends, but not around you. This dissatisfaction can lead to them hiding things from you.

Their eyes shift when you ask questions

When a person lies, more of the brain’s attention needs to be accessed in order to create a fiction using the right side of the brain. As a result, when a person tries to recall a lie from the right side of their brain, they will look toward their left side. By comparison, a person will look toward their right side when trying to remember something factual.

They’re always starting fights

Some signs that someone may be hiding something are if they start fights over little things, especially things that never bothered them before. It could be a sign of guilt or a way to make themselves feel like they are being punished for what they have done, without actually getting their secrets out in the open.

They’re always the victim

If you’re in a relationship with someone who always acts like the victim, or who blames other people for their problems or mistakes, there’s a good chance that person is hiding something from you. After all, someone who can’t accept fault is someone who will run away from their problems and keep secrets rather than address issues.

They make promises

When your partner makes promises to you, you have every right to be suspicious. After all, words are cheap and are a convenient fallback when someone feels guilty about what they’ve done. That’s why it’s important to look at your partner’s actions instead. Those are signs that he or she is truly sorry and wants to change.

They say they don’t deserve you

It’s easy to fall for the words, “I don’t deserve you.” However, this phrase is said when someone is trying to get out of trouble or into your good graces. People who say this are often guilty of doing something wrong and are saying it just because they want to get out of any repercussions.

They’ve gained or lost weight

Most of us know that guilt can cause stress, but did you know that it can also cause physical changes? Not only does carrying around a secret take an emotional toll on your partner, but it can also affect their weight! If you notice dramatic weight gain or loss, be sure to talk to your partner about what’s going on in their life.

They’re quiet and withdrawn

Sometimes, our significant others may start to change. If you notice your partner becoming quieter and more introverted than usual, it could be a good reason for concern. Maybe they are hiding something from you or dealing with feelings of guilt. It is important to pay attention to how they behave around you, and towards you.

They’re showing signs of stress

There are different reasons why someone might not be able to sleep at night or wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, like stress, anxiety, or even an unpleasant dream. However, if this happens more than once or twice a week for weeks on end, and there is no medical or mental health explanation, then chances are they are feeling guilty about something and it’s ruining their sleep!

They delete messages

Picture this: your partner is constantly deleting their messages, photos, and call logs. If this has been going on for a while, you have good reason to be concerned. The truth of the matter is that people don’t delete things from their phones unless there is something they are trying to hide, unless they have nearly maxed out their phone storage, that is.

They use fake names in their contacts

If your partner is saving contacts with weird names such as ‘battery low,’ or ‘garage’, they are trying to hide something from you. Why? Because those contacts could be people they are talking with but don’t want you to know about. Whatever the reason may be for them using these fake names, it’s still very suspicious.

They have a burner account

In an effort to keep up appearances for friends, family, and the public eye, many people will have another, secret social media account where they can talk to or look at other people online without anyone knowing. This is often how affairs start; people don’t tell their partners about this secret account and they end up talking to someone else.

They use humour to deflect

Humour is a great way to make people feel comfortable, but it’s also a great way to change or divert the subject. If your partner is suddenly cracking jokes, they may be trying to distract you. Make sure you pay attention to how they are joking around and the topics they are choosing. Are they deflecting attention from an issue that really needs to be discussed?

They’re having mood swings

Inconsistent emotions have been found to be one of the tell-tale signs of lying – and laughter can serve as a sort of distraction. It’s one way people deal with stress and anxiety when they’re doing something dishonest. So if your partner is laughing for no apparent reason in the middle of a serious conversation, they might be hiding something.

Their stories sound rehearsed

If your partner sounds rehearsed, if their stories are too detailed or even if they have an unnecessary alibi for their whereabouts, they could be hiding something. For example, if they always have an excuse as to why their phone is dead or why they are not returning texts, try confronting them about it instead of just brushing it off as forgetfulness.

They’re carrying a lot of cash

Cash is a great way to hide things, as there’s no paper trail. So, if you notice they are carrying more cash than usual, they may be trying to hide something. If you can’t tell what they’re spending their money on, this may be on purpose, as if a purchase doesn’t show up on their statement, it basically doesn’t exist. It could be that they are spending money on someone else.

They suddenly hate spontaneity

If your partner used to seem happily surprised when you showed up unannounced and now they’re just frustrated or angry, something may be going on. Also, if they used to welcome you sleeping over and now, they insist that you leave when they go to work, there’s a good chance that you’d find the thing they’re hiding if you stayed.

They don’t allow you access to your finances

Having one person have complete control over the household money is a great way to hide finances from your significant other. If you don’t have access to the accounts where your partner is spending money, there’s no way of knowing if he or she is actually telling you the truth about what they are spending.

They’re always texting late at night

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is texting a mysterious person late at night and refuses to tell you who it is, that’s a huge red flag that they’re hiding something from you. While your partner does have a right to privacy, any caginess about who they’re talking to should be reacted to with caution, as it could be part of a larger pattern of dishonesty.