They’ve stopped arguing with you

On the face of it, it might seem like arguments are a sign of a relationship in strife, but they actually show that someone is invested enough in a partnership to want it to change. If your partner stops raising concerns or disagreements about things you know upset them, that’s a sign that they’re no longer engaged in the relationship or have faith it can improve.

Their friends are acting weird around you

If your partner is unhappy in their relationship and wants to leave, there’s every chance you’ll be the last to know. They’re likely to approach their friends with their concerns first, and so if their pals have begun being weirdly distant around you or hanging out at your place less often, it could be because they know things are drawing to a close.

They’ve stopped talking about relationship milestones

Every relationship moves at its own pace, and marriage, home ownership and children aren’t the right path for every couple. However, if your partner used to fantasize about their dream wedding dress or wonder what your future kids would be called, a pause in this behaviour may mean they are reevaluating their future with you.

They’re checked out during quality time

Breakups are often painted as one single event, but most relationships end in a more drawn-out way. People will mentally check out of the relationship long before they make it official, and this often manifests as being distant, disconnected or not engaged during quality time. So if your partner seems a million miles away during movie night, they might be picturing another life entirely.

They have new time-consuming hobbies

Everyone knows that a key stage in getting over a breakup is the reinvention phase, but this can actually start before the relationship ends. If your partner has begun engaging in brand new hobbies that take up a lot of their time and, crucially, get them out of the house and away from you, it could be because they’re thinking about making other changes too.

They’ve stopped making plans in advance

At the beginning of a relationship, it’s considered pretty unwise to make plans more than a couple of weeks in advance. Similarly, if your partner knows that the relationship is fizzling out, they might stop committing to events that are more than a fortnight away. So if they act shifty next time you invite them to a wedding, be cautious.

They’re disconnected physically

Many people know that their love lives drying up is a sign that the relationship isn’t a happy one, but bedroom issues aren’t the only examples of physical disconnection you should be watching for. If your partner used to love to hold hands and snuggle up on the couch but has recently walked those behaviors back, it could be that a bigger retreat is in your future.

They never ask where you’re going

A relationship in which your partner keeps tabs on you 24/7 isn’t a happy one, but your other half should at least want to know where you’re going when you head out for the day. If your partner never asks about your plans or checks in with you throughout the day, it might be because they’re not thinking about you as much as they once were.

They’ve begun changing their appearance

The post-breakup haircut is a time-honored tradition, but someone people don’t even wait until the relationship is over to start trying out a new look. If your partner has suddenly become addicted to the gym, is experimenting with their make-up or has bought a whole new wardrobe, they might be getting ready to start a whole new life.

They’re short and distant

Nothing is more of a harbinger of a break-up than a change in communication style. If your partner used to use pet names, joke around with you, playfully argue or flirt and all of that has gone out of the window, they may be getting used to thinking about you in a less intimate and familiar way.

They keep canceling

Have you noticed that your partner has been canceling plans for outings or dinner and prefers to watch TV alone? This could be a sign that they feel a need to avoid you. If there has been no recent fight or other obvious cause of conflict, it’s worth considering whether this avoidance might be happening because they want space from the relationship.

They’ve started hiding their finances

If your partner starts behaving differently with money, they may be getting ready to leave you. This could include shifting joint accounts into their name or creating a secret bank account. When a couple decides to break up, money problems are often a major source of contention. It’s wise to review your financial situation beforehand so that you do not find yourself in financial difficulty.

They’ve gone radio silent

When you notice that your partner is taking a long time to reply or call you back, it’s natural to feel frustrated. If this happens often, it could be a sign that something is going on with them. If they ignore your texts and calls but are always on their phone texting other people or posting on social media, the relationship is probably coming to an end.

They’ve forgotten your anniversary

If your partner has always been thoughtful, it will stand out when they forget an important anniversary or don’t send you a birthday gift. If you suddenly have to remind your partner that it’s your anniversary today, that may be a sign that they’re moving on.

Your conversations have become surface-level

When your conversations with a partner have become dull or infrequent, it’s often a sign that the level of affection between you is waning. If you’ve noticed that your partner doesn’t talk as much anymore, doesn’t really listen when you’re talking and that doesn’t engage when you tell them about something going on in your life, it may be a sign they have checked out of the relationship.

They’ve stopped asking questions

If your partner never asks about your day, this may be a sign of disinterest in the relationship. Partners who share details of their lives with each other are more likely to have healthy relationships. If this begins to happen less often then you may need to re-examine the relationship.

They flirt with other people

Now, they seem to have no qualms about checking out and flirting with other people right in front of you. Even worse, when you confront them about it, they act as if nothing is wrong. This should make you wonder what they are doing when you’re not around. You should only be with someone who respects you and your boundaries.

They’ve stopped posting you on social media

As you grow apart from your partner, they will begin to minimize the amount of content featuring you on their social media pages. Although this may not necessarily mean that they are beginning to date other people, it could mean that they’ve told others that they are ending their relationship with you and don’t want anyone to know about it yet.

You’re no longer intimate

If your partner consistently turns down advances, there may be a problem. They may be avoiding sex because work is stressing them out, they’re tired from a long day, or any number of other reasons, but if they consistently refuses when you offer – and it doesn’t seem like they’re getting any other source of physical intimacy – then something else might be going on.

They don’t want to fix things

You have expressed your worries that your relationship is on the rocks, and you have offered to do whatever it takes to fix things. However, your partner has not been receptive to your attempts at reconciliation. Or perhaps he or she will agree to some small changes, like going for a walk together or having dinner together once a week, but without much enthusiasm.

They blame you for all your issues

If your partner has acted normally throughout your relationship and suddenly begins picking on you, blaming things on you or otherwise causing problems between the two of you, it may be a sign that they are considering leaving. However, you may want to look at things logically if your partner seems to be blaming everything on you, as there may be something else going on.

They’re always at work

When you’re in a relationship, you should make time to be with your partner. If your partner suddenly starts working overtime or traveling frequently for work, this could be one of the signs that they are thinking about leaving you. If you have no plans with your partner on a particular night, it can be helpful to ask them what they’re doing.

They’re always coming home late

If your partner has been staying out late without calling, it could be a sign that they are getting ready to end the relationship. While you may not be able to prevent your partner from staying out late at night, it is important that you get involved with his or her social life so that you can meet the people he or she spends time with.

They’ve given you an ultimatum

If your partner frequently tells you that you need to change and implies that you are not perfect, they might be thinking about leaving. When someone you’re dating tells you that they want to see some changes in the way you act or the things you do, they are probably saying that they want a change in you.

They don’t listen

Hearing what your partner says and taking the time to really consider what they are saying can strengthen your relationship. When neither of you are actively listening to each other, it can lead to resentment and distrust. This can lead to infidelity in some cases.

They’re making big decisions alone

A partner who doesn’t share their life with you may be ready to move on. They used to seek your opinion, but now they’re keeping you out of the loop. When you bring this up, they get defensive and accuse you of being jealous or insecure.

They’re always asking for space

You need time alone, but the difference between needing some solitude and needing to get away from your partner is that you can usually tell when someone wants to be alone and when they want to get away from you.

Your relationship feels repetitive

If your relationship is feeling repetitive, it might be time to spice things up by planning new and exciting activities with your partner. If they seem less enthusiastic about spending time with you, it could mean that they no longer feel excited to see you or do things with you.

They’re always with their friends

After a couple has been together for a while, they often spend less time together. It’s healthy to have time apart, but if you feel like your partner would rather be with other people and is always prioritizing other people over you, though, it’s worth discussing your concerns with them.

They’ve stopped complimenting you

It is common for couples to go through periods of conflict and strained communication. However, if the compliments have completely disappeared from your relationship, it might be a sign that the relationship is in trouble. If your partner is mean to you, consider whether the relationship is worth working on and seek out help if you need it.

They never say ‘I love you’

If your partner used to say “I love you” frequently at the beginning of the relationship, but they don’t anymore, it’s probably because they don’t feel that way anymore. If this is the case, you should think about how much longer you want to stay in this relationship.

They no longer prioritize you

When your partner is always putting the needs of others before yours, it’s a sign that they’re not as committed to the relationship. Maybe they will always make time for their family members, even if it means missing out on a date with you. Or maybe you even noticed that they act differently around friends when you two are out together.

They ignore you

It’s no secret that when a partner starts to ignore or neglect you, they may be losing interest in the relationship. It’s natural for a person to have other interests and friends, but when your partner stops paying attention to you, it’s time to have a talk.

Their life goals don’t align with yours

When one partner’s goals are completely different than the others, it can cause conflict. However, this may be exaggerated by them or used as an excuse to end the relationship. If your partner is using their goals as an excuse not to commit, they might not be willing or ready for a future together.

They’re saying things they know will hurt you

If your partner is making hurtful comments about your weight, looks or clinginess, it’s a sign that this relationship has run its course. Your partner doesn’t care about your feelings anymore.

They rarely smile

When you’re on a date, your partner should make you feel happy. If they don’t seem to be enjoying themselves or seem unhappy in any way, they might be considering breaking up with you. If something about their behavior seems out of character, it probably is.

They’re always tapping their foot

When you tap your foot, it’s often a sign of anxiety or frustration. And those aren’t emotions you want to bring into your relationship. When someone is trying to break up with you, he or she might drum their fingers or tap their feet rapidly. This is a nonverbal way of saying they’re feeling nervous about something.

They only want to be physical

Your partner may be so focused on physical fun that they neglect other aspects of your relationship. If this is the case, it’s best for you to break up with them before they lose interest in you altogether.

They’re always on their phone

You’re off on a date, so you decide to take some selfies and post them on your partner’s story. Your partner quickly snatches their phone back. In addition to this, they’ve dimmed their screen brightness and won’t tell you who they’re texting. If your partner’s phone habits start to change, it might be worth discussing the shift in your relationship.

They’re always stressed

When someone is tense, they tend to withdraw and become quiet. You might notice that your partner isn’t as present in the relationship as normal. If your partner is exhibiting other signs of restlessness or dissatisfaction, it may be related to the relationship.

They’re always trying to ‘win’

While a complete lack of fighting may be one sign that a breakup is coming, the way you argue when you do have an argument can be another indication. In a good conflict resolution, both parties feel as though they have been heard and respected. A bad conflict resolution is one in which the parties are more focused on winning than on understanding each other.

They’ve brought up the idea of a breakup

If your partner has openly talked about leaving or breaking up, it’s a sure sign that they’re ready to move on. They may be asking for some space so they can think things over and make plans for the future. Don’t ignore this warning signal!

They’re always putting their own needs before yours

When someone is done with a relationship, they will often start ignoring their partner’s needs, desires and priorities. They might stop making an effort in bed or start treating you like second best. If your partner doesn’t seem interested in you anymore, they probably aren’t.

They’re uninterested in your whereabouts

Your partner used to crave your company, but lately, they’ve been spending more time alone. It seems like they really enjoy their time apart from you. When you stay at home, your partner doesn’t pay attention to you. And when you leave, he or she doesn’t care about where you’re going or what you’re doing during your time apart.

They’re slowly moving their belongings out

Your partner recently ordered a package online, but it never arrived at your home address. You’ve also noticed that they have been taking an awful lot of stuff from the apartment lately. You hope it’s just a common cleaning-out period, but you can’t help being a little worried.

They push you away

One of the signs that your partner wants to leave you is their resistance to your attempts at affection. The more you try to get close to them, the less interested they become. When your partner seems to have lost interest in physical intimacy, it can be hurtful on many levels.

They’ve stopped using pet names

Sometimes when a relationship is waning, couples will stop using pet names. If your partner usually calls you something like ‘honey’ or ‘baby’ and now they don’t use those terms of endearment, it may be a sign that they’re losing interest in the relationship.

They forget your drink order

A subtle sign of a partner pulling away is if they are less affectionate and kind. They might not hold your hand as often, have short conversations with you, or not bring you your favorite drink in the evening. When you ask them to pick you up a coffee on their way home, they bring you a latte with cow’s milk instead of oat milk.

They make you wait

When people start to take you for granted, they might start to be late to dates with you. If your partner used to be on time and now constantly shows up late with no good excuse, it’s a sign that they don’t make you a priority and are looking for a way out of the relationship.

They comment on your differences

A partner might try to get out of the relationship by raising a number of issues that have never been problems before and claiming that these differences are insurmountable. When a couple is in love, they’ll find ways to smooth over their differences and reach compromises. If your partner does the opposite, it’s time to rethink your relationship.

They feel more like a roommate

It’s a red flag if your partner starts acting more like a roommate than a spouse. When that happens, it’ll feel like you’re just going through the motions of living together – with no real connection or passion between you. There could be a problem in your relationship, and you should talk to your partner about what’s going on.

They never apologize

In a healthy relationship, both partners know how to resolve their conflicts. They apologize when they make a mistake, and they listen carefully when the other person is upset. If you find yourself apologizing all the time, even when it’s not your fault, you may be in a one-sided relationship.

They get annoyed if you ask for more affection

Romantic relationships are meant to be the most fulfilling part of your life, but when you have a partner who is no longer giving you what you need, it can feel like a betrayal. When you confront your partner about the lack of affection, they may tell you that you’ve become too needy or desperate.

You can’t agree on anything

You and your partner are at odds over where to go for dinner, whether or not to have kids, and how to spend your time together. If you’re in a relationship and your partner wants out of it, they may try to convince you that there are irreconcilable differences between you by taking every opportunity to disagree with you.

You feel relieved when you’re apart

The way a person treats you is a clear indication of how they feel about you. If your partner makes you feel bad about yourself, chances are they don’t respect you. When you’re around a person who wants to break up but hasn’t confronted the idea yet, that person may become irritable or gloomy, making you only feel relaxed when they’re not around.

They don’t care about you talking or flirting with other people

You know your partner isn’t normally jealous, but they have never been so apathetic about your relationship. They don’t seem bothered when you flirt with other people, and they might even joke about the two of you dating other people. It’s their way of feeling out whether or not you’re still committed to the relationship. They want an easy way out without worrying about your feelings.

You never go to bed at the same time

When you say you are going to go to bed early, your partner says they feel like staying up late. But when you say you are going to stay up late, they’re conveniently too exhausted to hang out. It’s as if they’re trying everything they can to avoid spending time with you.

They watch your shows alone

You and your partner have been working your way through the first three seasons of The Walking Dead. One night, you come home from work to find that your partner has already started season six. It could be a simple case of impatience, or it could mean your partner no longer sees your joint experiences as important anymore.

Their goals and beliefs have changed

A couple’s long-term success depends on their shared values and goals. If you and your partner no longer share the same vision for the future, it might be time to move on. If you or your partner’s goals and beliefs have changed recently, this can be a sign of problems in your relationship. If either of you isn’t comfortable with the other’s choices, it may lead to a breakup.

They are rarely at home

After the initial excitement of your relationship has worn off, you might feel as though your partner is looking for ways to stay away from you or go on frequent weekend getaways with friends. Your partner should be able to have friends and interests, but if they’re spending more time out with other people than at home with you, that’s a sign that something isn’t right.

They don’t introduce you to new friends

When someone starts avoiding bringing you along to social events or introducing you to new people, this could be a sign that they are thinking about breaking up with you. It can be difficult to tell what they’re thinking, but paying attention to these signs can help you figure it out!

They avoid attending events with you

When your partner stops accepting invitations from you to go out with friends or refuses to accompany you to family gatherings, it could be a sign that they are considering ending the relationship. If your partner is seeking out other activities on a frequent basis, it may be a sign that they’re trying to avoid you.

They’re talking about their exes

If your partner starts to talk about previous relationships in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, this could be a sign that they are considering leaving you but may be afraid to do so. Try to talk to them about what is going on.

They’re critical of everything you do

If your partner wants to break up with you, they may begin to nitpick about the things that matter most to you and act in ways that make it seem impossible for you to please them. When they seem to have lost interest in the good things you do for them, this could be a sign that they’re tired of your behavior.

They call you crazy

When someone doesn’t want to stick around, they might make you feel crazy for suggesting they’re doing anything wrong. When someone insults you, it usually means they’re already thinking about leaving you. So be kind and say goodbye before they have a chance to break up with you.

They make plans without telling you

You’re not sure what they’re doing anymore. They go out and don’t tell you about their plans or text you when they’re out. You feel like you don’t know them as well as you used to. Your partner may no longer consider themselves part of your relationship, and therefore they no longer inform you of their plans.

They break their promises

Your partner has let you down in a number of ways. They make plans and then cancel them at the last minute without any explanation, or they tell you they’re going to do something but never actually follow through. Your partner is thinking about the end of the relationship, so they’re not putting much effort into the relationship anymore.

They tell you they want to focus on their personal goals

When your partner tells you that he or she wants to concentrate on his or her personal goals and because of this will not have time for you, it is a good idea to reevaluate the relationship. If a person truly loves you, he or she will always make time for you even while pursuing his or her own interests.

They tell you they’re unsure of their feelings

While your new boyfriend or girlfriend was pursuing you, he or she was certain about how he or she felt about you – but now that the two of you have begun dating, the person is experiencing doubts. When someone tells you they aren’t sure about their feelings for you, it can be a sign of trouble ahead.

They’re constantly bringing up issues

Your partner is constantly bringing up concerns they have about your relationship. They may want you to spend more time together, or they may be concerned about your career direction. They’re bringing up issues that were never problems before and making them seem like they are all your fault.