You don’t ask about their day

If you find that you no longer care about what your partner does during the day, it’s a sign that their goals and dreams now mean little to you – and that your relationship is stagnating. If you find yourself bored or disinterested when your partner tells you about their day at work or with friends or family, it could be because those details no longer seem important.

You’re always arguing

Arguments in a relationship can become a pattern of behaviour. They are not something to be ignored or considered irrelevant, as they may spell the end of your relationship. If you have a conflict with your partner that is causing friction between the two of you, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship and decide whether you truly want to continue.

You prefer to get support from others

When things get tough, it’s natural to turn to the people around you for support. The trouble comes when your partner isn’t one of the people you seek reassurance and advice from. If you find that you’re turning to co-workers or friends for emotional support more than your significant other, then it could be a sign you’ve given up on the relationship.

You’re not attracted to them anymore

There are a few simple signs to look for if you’re wondering if it could be time to break up with your partner. One of the most common is the loss of romantic feelings and attraction to your partner. The other big sign is if you regularly fantasize about someone else during bedroom activities.

You’re prioritizing other opportunities

When you fall in love with someone, you may think that the person is the only thing you need to be happy. With that said, at some point in every relationship, people begin to need something else. If you are given a work or personal opportunity to move to a different city or different country, it’s important to ask yourself whether your relationship is worth turning it down.

You’re indifferent

The truth is, the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. That means, if you no longer feel any strong emotions for someone, then you’ve given up on the relationship. That might mean that you’re not feeling any particular love for your partner, but it also might mean that you don’t have any strong feelings about them at all, not even resentment or desperation that they’ll change.

You enjoy your alone time more than your time together

It’s natural for a couple to want to do their own thing. You don’t have to spend every waking moment together, and it’s not a big deal if you’re out with friends on the weekend instead of hanging out at home. However, if you’re spending most of your time apart because you don’t enjoy your partner’s company, then it might be because you’ve given up on your relationship.

You don’t miss them

When you’re in love with someone, it feels like your heart is literally missing a piece when they’re not around. You may feel like you’re always thinking about them, and you want to be around them as much as possible. If you find that you don’t miss your partner when you’re away from them, however, this may be a sign that the feelings are gone – and you may be ready to break up.

Their quirks annoy you

Relationships are about compromise. We all have our annoying habits and quirks, but you should be able to enjoy your partner’s eccentricities as much as their good qualities. If you find yourself tempted to scream every time they do a certain thing, it’s probably time to step back and assess what’s really going on.

You’ve started saying ‘I’ instead of ‘we’

Using the word “we” is a great way to be inclusive and show you’re on the same team as your partner. When you start dating someone new, you’ll probably start speaking with that person in terms of ‘we’. However, if you talk less and less about the two of you as a unit, it may be an indication that there are problems in your relationship.

You prefer to make decisions alone

Asking for your partner’s opinion on something big you’re about to do can serve as a way of showing them that you trust their judgment and value their input. When you make a decision without consulting your loved one, you are essentially telling them that they’re not as important to you as they think they are; that you don’t see them as worthy of knowing the things that matter to you.

You don’t keep in touch when you’re apart

If you have been in a relationship for a while, it’s normal for your communication during work trips or solo vacations with your partner to dwindle. If this is happening to you, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re losing interest in your partner. However, if your level of communication has decreased and you don’t feel close to them anymore, that’s probably a sign that your relationship has reached a point of stagnation.

You’ve stopped arguing

Any healthy relationship will have conflict, and in fact, it needs constructive conflict. That’s where you take a disagreement and try to find a solution to it as a team. The problem is that many couples get frustrated by the fighting and they give up. They stop trying to resolve conflicts and instead just withdraw. They give up on their relationship.

You’re always complaining to your friends

The key to a good relationship is to respect and admire each other, and there’s no better way to do that than by showing up for them in front of your friends. When you’re out and about, don’t talk about your partner behind his or her back or put him or her down in front of others.

You don’t want to include them in your plans

Whether you’re in a relationship, married, or even dating, it’s natural to want to be around your partner all the time. But recently, you may have found yourself giving fewer and fewer invitations to your significant other for events that are important to you or proactively making plans that exclude them. If this is the case, it may mean that you’ve started feeling less connected to your partner.

You’re always in a bad mood

If you dread walking through the door after a long day at work, it’s a pretty good indicator that something’s amiss. In fact, one of the first things to change in a relationship is the way you feel about your partner’s home. If you’re feeling trapped or unhappy in the place where you and your partner should feel most comfortable together, it’s time to talk.

You’re daydreaming about being with other people

You may not even realize you have a wandering eye until it’s pointed out to you, but if you find yourself daydreaming about the person who sits next to you at work – or any other person who isn’t your significant other on a regular basis – that’s a pretty good indication that you’ve given up on your current relationship.

You don’t see them in your future

Fantasizing about a life without your partner is a sure sign that something isn’t right. It’s also a sign that your relationship is in trouble because fantasizing means you’ve already begun to emotionally detach yourself. Either way, it’s time to take a step back from the situation and figure out why you’re thinking about life without them.

You’re always trying to convince yourself you’re happy

If you are constantly saying things like “We are so happy”, “We have everything” and “I am the luckiest person in the world” about your relationship, then you’ve probably given up. Your subconscious is blocking out the negative thoughts and feelings about your partnership and relationship because it knows that if those thoughts were to enter your consciousness, your happiness would be destroyed.

You’re reminiscing about the past

If your relationship has changed and you’ve started romanticising the single past that came before you found your partner, that’s a sign that you’re ready for things to end. It means that when you focus on your current relationship, it makes you feel miserable, so you retreat into reverie. Daydreaming isn’t necessarily bad in itself, but it can mean that you no longer believe in the relationship.

You don’t think about them

As you might have experienced, when you’ve given up on your relationship, you think about your partner less and less. Your partner is no longer in your thoughts, and you don’t really care whether they’re happy or not. If they’re sad, it doesn’t matter as much to you as it once did.

Your conversations are surface-level

It’s normal for conversations to slow down a little as your relationship becomes more routine and predictable. It’s even normal for the topics that come up in those conversations to become more limited than they were early on. But if you have stopped talking beyond the banal daily small talk check-ins, then something has changed.

You don’t want to get deep with them

If you’re reading this, you probably know the feeling of being in a relationship with someone and suddenly finding yourself avoiding them for no apparent reason. Maybe you’ve noticed that your partner is trying to start an emotional conversation, but you find yourself tuning it out or running away from the conversation. If you’re not willing to get deep with them anymore, that’s a sign you’ve given up.

You don’t worry about them

If you’re in love, you’re worried whenever your sweetheart is late coming home or hasn’t returned a call. If you’ve given up on someone, though, those worries don’t come up as often. While people in love are attached to their partners, people who have given up on their other half aren’t as emotionally attached, so they don’t worry about that person the same way.

You compare them to others

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? You’re in a relationship but it doesn’t feel like it, or you’re not necessarily happy with the relationship you have. Maybe you’ve been thinking about the possibilities of a relationship with someone else. If this happens often, this is a sign you’ve given up on your relationship.

You’re not interested in being intimate

Being in a sexual rut isn’t necessarily a bad thing – everybody goes through dry spells. But a lack of sexual desire can be one of the strongest indicators that you’ve given up on your partner, at least in a romantic sense. If you’re feeling like sex has lost its spark, or it’s no longer connecting the two of you, it might be time to look towards a future without them.

You don’t go on dates

If you don’t feel like going on dates with your partner anymore, then you may have given up on your relationship. You know your partner better than anyone else and if you don’t want to go out with them, that could be an issue. Keep trying new things with them so that you can find an activity that sparks your interest again – and make some memories together!

PDA makes you uncomfortable

If you’re in love, you want to show the world that you and your partner belong together by holding hands, walking with your arms linked or putting an arm around their waist. When you’ve given up on someone, however, the last thing you want to do is make physical contact in public because that would just make it painfully obvious how much you’ve fallen out of love.

You’re unwilling to compromise anything

Compromise is a normal part of any relationship – it’s important that both parties in the relationship feel heard and respected, and it’s okay to make some sacrifices to achieve that. However, a lack of compromise can be a sign that you’ve given up on the relationship. You might have reached a point where it no longer feels worth it to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of keeping the peace.

You don’t have any common interests

You may notice that things are off with your partner if you’re no longer invested in each other’s interests. For example, your significant other may have really liked your taste in music, books, and art when you started dating, but now that you’ve been together for a while, their interest in those things might have faded. This could be a sign that you two have drifted apart.

You feel trapped

We can all relate to the experience of feeling a nagging sense of obligation to be with someone, whether it’s because of your financial situation, your family, or your love for them. While you may think that you’re helping the person you love by sticking around, if you’re really not happy being with them, staying will end up hurting both of you in the long run.

You don’t want to make any future plans

When your partner suggests that you take a summer vacation together, you might be eager to hop on board without hesitation. However, once you realize the trip is months away, you might feel an urge to hesitate or even back out altogether. This is a sign that you’ve given up on the relationship and don’t expect to be in a romantic entanglement with this person for much longer.

Your goals don’t align

In any relationship, you’re likely to have some differences in how you view the world. But when you have significant disagreements about where you want to be in the future, it can become a problem. If you’ve tried your best to deal with these issues and they continue to grow more difficult, it might be time to let go and move on.

You’re not interested in working on things

If your partner wants to work on issues together, but you have no interest, it’s a sign you’ve given up on the relationship. If you’re not willing to commit to working on your relationship together, that’s a sign you’re not willing to work with them to make things better, and they should probably start making plans for the future without you.

You don’t share your news with them

There’s something to be said about the first person you want to tell when you’re really excited about the good news in your life. If you’re in a committed relationship, it’s usually your partner. But if your partner is no longer the person you run to when you’re excited about the good news in your life, it’s a sign that you’ve given up on the relationship.

You don’t do favours for them

Picture this: you’re supposed to be in a relationship, but you and your partner have been acting like roommates for months. You have your routines, and you do your own thing. You don’t say nice things to each other or check in about how the other person’s day was. If this sounds familiar to you, you might as well live separately.

You’ve stopped making an effort

In the first few weeks and months of your relationship, everything is new and exciting. You’re trying to impress each other by doing things you’ve never done before, like going out for a fancy meal or taking weekend trips to the city. If there comes a point where even making a small effort feels impossible, then you’ve probably given up on the relationship.

You’ve stopped celebrating

If you’ve found that you and your partner no longer mark significant occasions with as much enthusiasm as you once did, it could be a sign that you’re losing interest in the relationship. Or it could be a sign that you’ve stopped paying attention to the passage of time and are living life on autopilot.

You don’t apologize

If you’re in a relationship, and you make an effort to fix things when you’ve screwed up, it’s a sign that you care about your partner and want to make the relationship stronger. If, on the other hand, you just walk away from arguments or refuse to apologize, then that’s a sign that you’ve given up on the relationship.

You barely see each other

Everyone has busy periods, but there is a point where your relationship won’t survive if you keep letting your schedule become so packed that you forget about each other. If you and your partner hardly ever see each other, it’s probably time to have a sit-down conversation about whether you still want to be in the relationship.