You feel like an outsider

There’s no doubt that being an old soul is a blessing and a curse. It makes you appreciate the deeper things in life, which can give you the ability to connect with people quickly and deeply on an emotional level. However, it can also make you feel like an outsider – like others your age are somehow more carefree and less mature.

You need alone time

If you have an old soul, you cherish your alone time. The world is too hectic sometimes and it’s nice to be able to take a step back and reflect on the things that mean the most to you. You need time to think, feel your feelings, and focus on your own personal development.

You’re spiritual

Old souls are naturally sensitive and tend to be more spiritually attuned than others, so when you look around at other people’s lives, you see a world that’s quite different from yours. In comparison to those who might pursue worldly objectives – wealth, fame, and status – you find yourself wondering whether there’s more to it all than that.

You’re not materialistic

Old souls often enjoy the simple things in life. Why not choose something affordable and appreciate the value of owning something for a long time? Old souls also understand that people are more important than things – it’s more vital to make memories with loved ones than it is to have the best TV or a mansion.

You were an outcast at school

As an old soul, you probably loved a lot of the same things as your parents when you were a child. You may also have been drawn to a completely different set of hobbies or passions that most people your own age didn’t care for. You may have seemed “nerdy” or “boring” to those around you, but just because you liked different music or books than the popular crowd doesn’t mean you were a weirdo.

You enjoy the company of older people

Old souls can really relate to people who are older than them. These people are often seen as the wisest and easiest to confide in. Old souls enjoy listening to the elderly’s stories because they have so many valuable life experiences to share. Old souls also like to learn from older people because they have a more grounded perspective on life.

You prefer old music and movies

Some people think of old-fashioned things as stuffy and outdated. But there’s a lot to love about the old! For instance, movies and music from bygone eras might seem like they’re not for you if you’re young – but if you have an appreciation for the classics, that could be another sign that you’re an old soul.

You hate small talk

Contrary to popular belief, old souls are incredibly fun, active, and social people. However, they don’t want to talk about the weather or online trends – they want to talk about your dreams for the future and what makes you tick. They see every conversation as an opportunity to connect on a deeper level.

You’re good at reading people

If you’re intuitive or believe in the power of your gut instinct, that could be a sign that you’re an old soul. As an old soul, you trust your intuition and know how to tune into yourself. You know to ask for clarity when you need it, and you also know that you don’t have to follow the crowd – you can do what feels right for you.

You enjoy learning

Old souls are people with a thirst for understanding, wisdom, and truth. They’re pioneers who blaze their own trails in life – and they have an insatiable desire to learn more about the world around them. Old souls don’t accept rules or traditions at face value; they question what’s “normal” and seek to understand the deeper meaning behind things.

People come to you for advice

If you’ve ever had someone in your life who’s been through it all, who has seen it all and can give the best advice on just about anything – that’s an old soul. Your friendships with the people who come to you for advice are very real and meaningful because of how much value they see in what you have to say.

You’ve read all the classics

Are you an old soul? If so, you’ve probably spent hours immersed in the pages of an old book, stretching your imagination to see the world through the eyes of another. It doesn’t matter if that other is long dead; those works have something to teach you, and you are probably willing to find out what.

You avoid drama

If you’re an old soul, it’s likely you have a quiet life. You prefer having less drama in your life, and you would rather shy away from it than invite it in. You don’t think the world is made better by having more drama, but just the opposite: you think the world is made better when people are calm and productive.

You enjoy making connections

You’re an old soul if, for example, you find yourself in a room full of strangers at a networking event and are genuinely thrilled to be there, meeting new people and having the opportunity to share your knowledge with them. Old souls are the ones who will take the time to connect with someone they’ve just met and who will make every effort to stay in touch afterwards.

You seek out deep relationships

Old souls are often drawn to deep relationships. The idea of being swept off your feet by a charming rogue is exciting, but it’s not likely to last in the long term. Old souls instead seek out kindred spirits who have similar values and share a desire for depth in their relationships. They look for partners who value quality over quantity – they want a committed relationship, not a string of hookups.

You don’t follow trends

If you’re not interested in technology and the latest trends, people might think you’re behind the times. But the way you see it, there’s no need to keep up with fads just for the sake of it. Your real friends will follow your lead regardless of whether you have a new iPad or a 30-year-old record player. They’ll appreciate your tastes and enjoy the things you love – and that’s what really matters.

You have a calming presence

If you’re an old soul, you might be more peaceful and wise than most of the people around you. The vibe that emanates from an old soul can be very soothing for those who are stressed or scattered, and people who just want someone to listen to them without judgment will be drawn to them.

You’re a good listener

Old souls have a different rhythm than most. They aren’t in a rush. They seem to move at their own pace, whether it’s walking from their car to the grocery store or from their bedroom to the kitchen. They don’t feel like they have to get things done right this second, and they find it easy to be quiet, letting others speak before chiming in with something of substance.

You’re a good judge of character

As an old soul, you’re pretty good at reading the room and knowing when someone is being insincere. Not to say that you automatically assume that everyone is being fake – you just pick up on the intentions of others without even trying. That can come in handy when dealing with people who lie or try to manipulate others for their own gain.

You’ve struggled with anxiety

If you’re an old soul, you have a lot of curiosity and feel a strong draw to things that are mysterious, otherworldly, and intriguing. As a result, you tend to think about things more deeply than most people, and this can be both a benefit and a hindrance. You’re able to see the world in a more complex way than others, but this can also cause you stress or anxiety.

You’re an empath

Old souls tend to be more considerate and caring than others, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being. Some old souls feel as if they’ve been on this planet before or that they have lived other lifetimes. As a result, old souls often care deeply about the world around them and may even try to make a difference in the lives of others.

You think outside the box

If you sometimes feel like you’re living in an entirely different world from the people around you, it could mean that your spirit is much older than your physical age. Old souls also tend to have more out-of-the-box ideas about life and tend to live outside societal norms, because they’re done abiding by pointless convention.

You appreciate the little things

Being an old soul means that you’re someone who appreciates the small, beautiful details in life, whether they’re found while strolling through nature or taking in a work of art. You understand that while it’s easy to fall into the habit of always looking ahead and charging towards your next goal, it’s just as important to stop and smell the roses.

You enjoy spending time in nature

The old soul is very much in tune with the natural world. They are able to see the beauty and peace in the details around them. That means that often, an old soul will find comfort and peace in nature, and they are at their best when they feel connected and one with the world.

You’re a romantic

In an increasingly digital world, it feels as though it is getting harder and harder to find traditional romance in its purest form. After all, it’s not as if you can show up to your date’s house with a dozen roses and a handwritten note! However, if you are looking for ways to bring that classic romance into your modern-day relationships – that’s a sign you’re an old soul.

You desire a simple life

Many old souls are drawn to minimalism, which is an approach to design and lifestyle that focuses on the absence of excess and encourages the appreciation of simplicity as a form of beauty. This isn’t to say that they’re opposed to owning nice things; it’s just that they prefer to invest in practical items that will last a long time and enhance their quality of life.

You believe in reincarnation

If you’re an old soul, you might believe in past lives, future lives, and parallel lives. The idea that we are reborn in different bodies or in different eras, only to learn the same lessons over and over again, makes perfect sense to you. You’ve might also have had many dreams about past or future lives.

You prefer to decorate with antiques

Some old souls remember the lives that they’ve lived before, so they often have a deep yearning to be surrounded by things that remind them of their past lives. This is part of the reason why they prefer to visit antique stores and flea markets, and why they tend to be drawn toward older furniture.

History was your favourite subject

Sure, history can be about dates and facts, but there’s more to it than that. History is also about people and events. It’s a study of progress and achievements, but it’s also a study of human nature. A lot of people don’t understand why you love history so much, but you can’t help it, at least not if you’re an old soul.

You have a unique birthmark

Have you ever noticed a birthmark that looks like a map of a country or continent? Maybe you have a birthmark in the shape of a rune or symbol. You may even have one that resembles something from your favourite book, video game, movie, or anime. These are all marks of old souls.

You’re good with animals

Old souls have a deep connection with animals. Why? Because they recognize that animals are just like humans, only in a slightly different way. Animals have souls too! They are just as divine and spiritual and beautiful as we are. Old soul animal lovers know this on a deep level because they recognize the beauty of all things.

You only have a few close friends

Old souls tend to have one or two very close friends, as they enjoy quality over quantity. They love to be around people who understand them and their interests, as old souls do not like being around people who are fake or superficial. Overall, old souls are mature and typically have a wonderful sense of humour, which is reflected in their friendships.

You enjoy helping others

The old souls among us want to help improve the lives of others, especially during the holiday season when everyone can feel a little bit more vulnerable than usual. You might find them volunteering at the local food drive, soup kitchen, homeless shelter or children’s hospital; donating to their favorite animal rescue, or simply being a friend to someone in need.

You’re artistic

Why do artists, writers, and creators of all types often feel like they’ve been on Earth before? It’s because many of them have. They’re old souls who understand that the world has a unique beauty to it that cannot be found anywhere else. If you’re artistic, it’s probably because your soul is telling you that this is how you need to express your love and appreciation for life and the universe around you.

You’re not interested in parties

The old souls among us would much rather stay in and enjoy themselves than go out into the night and have fun with other people. Though they might have an easy time getting on with new people, they’re instead content to just chill out with their guaranteed quality entertainment instead of getting messy with others.

You’re an introvert

While it’s true that most old souls are a little bit shy and act more like observers than participants, the way they interact with others reveals their capacity for connection. Old souls can be seen as socially awkward because they have difficulty keeping up with the chitchat that is usually exchanged during social interactions, but this stems from their desire to be true to themselves.

You’re not impulsive

As an old soul, you may find that you don’t often feel ready for change until you’ve had time to think about it for a while, and you prefer to be given plenty of opportunities to experience new things. It’s not that you’re afraid of change – it’s just that you know it takes a little bit of time before you can fully appreciate it.

People have always called you mature

You might have always considered yourself mature, but you might not be sure why. After all, you might not be old, you might not have children, and you might not be the kind of person who’s typically understood to be wise. Whatever the reason, you’ve always tried to keep things in perspective and use your common sense, and it’s always worked out for the best.

You’re responsible with money

If you’re an old soul, chances are that you like to plan ahead. You’re responsible and understand that you need a good savings plan before you start spending money. Plus, if you do spend money, you make sure to spend less than you earn. There’s nothing wrong with this – it’s smart, it’s responsible, and it’s a good habit that will remain with you for your whole life.

You don’t fear getting older

If you’re an old soul, you enjoy getting older. You like that you’re wiser now than you were in your 20s, and even more so than when you were in your teens or childhood. Maybe you’re more confident about life and what to expect from it and appreciate that as time goes on, there’s less mystery that needs to be uncovered.