Déjà Vu

Déjà vu refers to the uncanny experience of feeling like you have lived through some specific moment in precisely the same way before. Some scientists claim that there is a scientific explanation for such a feeling. While this may be true, there are many spiritualists who have linked this occurrence to it being a memory from your past lives.

Irrational fears

There are many things that a large portion of people are afraid of because they pose a threat to us. However, fears that make a little less sense could actually be indicative of a past life. They could represent things that harmed you in a past life or the reasons for why your last life ended. If you fear particular settings or animals that most people don’t seem to mind, take a mental note.

False memories

Some people are absolutely sure they have memories from early childhood that their parents can guarantee never actually happened. It may be they just never happened in this lifetime. Human memory will never be perfect, but if you think hard about the memory and look into the details of it, you never know what you could find. If the details make some sort of sense, it could be a memory from a previous life.

Recurring dreams

This could also apply to nightmares, but if you are experiencing the same dream over and over again, there is probably a reason for that. If your recurring dream takes place in a mundane setting that you aren’t familiar with in your present life, the likelihood of it being a setting from a past one is actually very high.

Your cultural identity is mixed up

You may have a strong sense of cultural identity due to your upbringing, but if you feel a strong personal connection with a culture you have no ties with from blood or personal experience, past lives could explain this. If you find yourself having a sense of identity related to a country or culture other than your own, it could be because one of your past lives was from there.

Affinity for unexpected skills

Within families and communities, some interests and skills are probably more common or sought after than others. If you find yourself particularly good at or interested in something that your family and community are not drawn to and do not teach, do some more research into it. This could be because of your past life profession or talents.

You know things you never learned

People’s knowledge develops through their experience, and the same should hold true for you. However, have you ever just known a fact or the answer to a question despite never having learned about the topic? In that case, you could be passing on knowledge from a previous life. You didn’t have to learn it in your lifetime, because a previous you already did.

Affinity for historical traditions and activities

The modern day comes with useful inventions and technology as well as its own trends of many kinds. If you prefer historical fashion and ways of doing things, it could just be an interest, or it could be because you’ve lived past lives. This intense interest in a historical way of life can mean that you have lived in the time period of your interest, just as a different person.

Unusual pain

This is the kind of pain that you can’t really explain and a doctor can’t either. No matter how hard you look, there does not appear to be anything actually wrong with you. This can be because your pain actually comes from a past life. It could be indicative of a chronic ailment a previous life had, or even a sign of the way you died before.


Speaking of the way you may have died, you may have heard of this one before. Birthmarks are often said to be indicative of how you died in a past life. If you have a birthmark on your chest, perhaps you were stabbed there; if there’s one on your thigh, maybe your leg was torn off and you bled to death. There are all sorts of theories about them, but birthmarks have even been labelled as proof of reincarnation by some.