Use the pages of a book

Bibliomancy is the practice of predicting the future via the pages of a book. To try it, simply form a question in your mind and then write down three numbers. These will correspond to the page, sentence and word used to divine your answer. Be sure to use a book significant to the topic, such as a favourite romance for questions of love.

Use a gold ring and a piece of string

This method of divining the future uses a wedding ring, and so is especially suited to matters of love and romance. Simply draw a circle on a piece of paper and write letters of the alphabet at regular intervals. Then tie the ring to a long piece of string and ask your question. As the ring swings, it should spell out the answer you need.

Walk in circles until you fall over

If you have some space and want to figure out where your life is headed, you need this method. Set up a spiralling path with stones and mark out events from your past and milestones you hope to hit in the future, working from the outside of the spiral. Walk it, and where you get dizzy is where a significant life event will occur.

Use a bowl of water and coloured oil

Predicting the future doesn’t get much easier than this method. Simply fill a bowl with water and then drizzle in olive oil, thick food coloring, or another semi-viscous liquid. Watch the shapes made in the water, and look out for symbols and letters. Letters should be treated as the initials of people in your life, while symbols could reference marriage, finances or health.

Throw an orange peel over your shoulder

This old tradition is European in origin and has been around for centuries. Simply peel an orange in one continuous piece and, without looking, throw it over your right shoulder with your left hand. The letter it most closely resembles when it reaches the floor is supposed to reflect the first initial of the person you are destined to marry.

Use the letters in people’s names

In numerology, every letter in the alphabet has a numerical value, and these can be used to predict your future, especially in matters of love. Simply find and add up the values for every letter in your crush’s name, and then add up your own in the same way. The closer the two numbers are in value, the more compatible you are. At least, supposedly.

Watch where the leaves fall

Divining the future using leaves is another age-old method that has been around for centuries. In addition reading tea leaves, which is its own discipline, you can also answer yes or no questions about what’s to come by taking note of which direction a falling autumn leaf spins on its way to the ground. Clockwise means yes, or a positive outcome, while anti-clockwise means no.

Use the shoulder blade of a cooked bird

This method is a little gruesome but was nevertheless popular historically. In the past, oracles would carve questions into chicken shoulder blades and also chisel slightly into the bone at random points. When the bone was inserted into fire, it would split and crack, and the placement of the cracks would be interpreted as likely positive or negative outcomes.

Poach an egg

If you like multitasking, this method apparently allows you to see the future and make breakfast at the same time. Simply poach an egg using the traditional swirl method, and watch for the uncooked egg white to form a letter before it coalesces. This letter usually represents a soulmate but could be a business connection or a new friend.

Use two divining rods

The divining rod method of seeing the future is the only one on this list that requires speciality equipment. The two metal rods are placed in each hand, and then a question is asked about the future. In response, the divining rods will either cross, stay parallel or will swerve off in opposite directions. Each of these responses represents a different outcome.