Chocolate can cause seizures

Theobromine, one of the components of chocolate, can cause poisoning in dogs. The darker a chocolate bar is, the more theobromine it contains. Dark chocolate and baker’s chocolate are particularly dangerous, but all chocolate should be avoided. If your dog eats chocolate, he might develop symptoms such as hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea and seizures.

Alcohol can cause breathing problems

One reason dogs are more susceptible to alcohol than humans is their size. Dogs’ livers can’t process large quantities of alcohol as efficiently as human livers do, so even small amounts of beer or wine can be deadly for them. Animals can get alcohol poisoning in the same way that people do, and they might vomit or have breathing problems, fall into a coma, and even die.

Apple seeds contain cyanide

Apples are fine for dogs to eat, as long as you don’t let them eat the core or seeds. The seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic in large amounts. Cyanide can make dogs vomit, have irregular and fast heartbeats, have seizures, fall into a coma, or even die. This is because the chemical blocks the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen through the body.

Raisins can cause liver damage

Raisins are often found in cakes, cookies, and cereals, so it’s not just when they’re eaten in their natural state that you should be concerned about them. The toxin in raisins which causes poisoning in dogs is unknown, but raisins can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure in dogs.

Avocado contains deadly toxins

Although avocados are generally considered to be a healthy food for people, they can make dogs sick. The flesh, pit and leaves of the avocado plant all contain persin, a toxin that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Avocados may cause fluid accumulation in the lungs and chest. This can lead to difficulty breathing, which can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Onions can make your dog anemic

To protect your dog from anemia, keep onions away from him. They contain a chemical that can destroy the red blood cells in his body. Even onion powder found in some baby foods can be harmful to a pup’s health. Look for signs such as weakness, vomiting, and breathing problems if your dog eats a lot of onions at once.

Broccoli can cause choking

Dogs aren’t able to process isothiocyanates in broccoli, which can cause them harm if they eat too much. Many dog owners give their furry friends a little broccoli on occasion – but it’s best to avoid them since so many other foods are available. Broccoli stalks can also sometimes get caught in a dog’s throat and cause choking.

Caffeine can lead to tremors

Caffeine, found in coffee, tea and soft drinks, can cause potentially fatal diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. Your dog may develop symptoms of caffeine toxicity if he accidentally ingests coffee grounds or drinks any beverage that is high in caffeine. These symptoms can include seizures, tremors, difficulty breathing and other problems.

Macadamia nuts contain a powerful toxin

When it comes to keeping your dog safe, remember that macadamia nuts are dangerous. The toxic component of these nuts is unknown, but just six raw or roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog sick. If your pet is exhibiting symptoms such as muscle shakes, vomiting and high temperature, it may be suffering from poisoning.

Fatty meat can cause pancreatitis

Pet owners should discard fatty cuts of meat, ham and other fatty items like chicken or turkey skin – and any other food that is not specifically formulated for pets – rather than feed them to pets as a treat. Dogs are at risk for acute pancreatitis when they eat foods that contain a high-fat content, which can be life-threatening.

Turkey bones can obstruct a dog’s bowels

Dogs should not be allowed to eat turkey bones. If they do, they may develop severe indigestion or vomiting; if the bones splinter, they can obstruct the bowels or damage the stomach or intestines. Splinters can also get caught in a dog’s mouth when it’s chewing on a bone. If a bone punctures the stomach wall and causes an infection, it can be fatal.

Mushrooms can make dogs hallucinate

While mushrooms may be tasty for humans to eat, they can be very harmful to dogs. Those with a furry friend should avoid feeding their pet mushrooms, as these fungi contain toxins that may cause liver and kidney failure, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, and damage to red blood cells.

Nutmeg contains myristicin

Do not feed your dog any foods containing nutmeg. This spice can cause hallucinations, severe vomiting and other dangerous side effects. Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin, which gives the spice its distinct flavor. Dogs are particularly susceptible to the effects of myristicin and can have an adverse reaction if even a small amount is ingested.

Too much salt can put a dog in a coma

Salt is a vital nutrient for your dog, but too much salt can be harmful. Excessive amounts of salt can cause tremors, seizures, or even coma. Don’t let the pleading eyes of your dog lead you astray. He may want a bite of something salty, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for him.

Xylitol causes a rapid drop in blood sugar

Xylitol, a sweetener found in many human foods, can be poisonous to dogs. If a dog eats xylitol, his blood sugar will drop rapidly and he’ll become weak. In some cases, he may experience seizures or liver failure. The sweetener, often used in sugar-free baked goods and gum, can be deadly – just five pieces of gum is enough to kill a 65-pound animal.

Tomatoes contain solanine

The tomato plant’s leaves, stems and unripe fruits contain solanine, which is toxic to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal and neurological upset. These parts of the plant are safe for human consumption, but avoid giving them to your dog.

Raw fish can contain parasites

Raw eggs, raw meat, and fish can make your dog very sick if they’re not handled properly. Salmon, trout, shad (a type of herring), and sturgeon are types of fish that can also make your dog sick if they’re not handled properly because they contain parasites that cause “fish disease” or “salmon poisoning disease.” The first signs are vomiting, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

Candy can crack a dog’s teeth

A dog wouldn’t know what to do with a piece of gum, so you should keep it away from your dog. If your dog swallows gum, he could choke or develop blockages in his digestive system. Caramel and taffy are especially harmful because they are chewy, but hard candies can fracture your dog’s teeth as well.

Grapes are extremely toxic

Grapes are toxic to dogs, so keep grapes and fruit salads out of your dog’s reach. Even a single grape can cause a very bad reaction, so it’s best not to let him eat any at all. If you come home and find your dog eating grapes, contact your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately.

Garlic can damage a dog’s red blood cells

Garlic can be harmful to a dog because it can damage the dog’s red blood cells. It’s not very common for a dog to eat garlic, but it is possible. If you’re cooking with garlic, be sure to keep the cloves out of reach of dogs. Garlic powder can also be an issue, so be sure to store it safely.

Tea can cause a caffeine rush

While it’s certainly a relaxing way to spend your day, tea time is best spent with people, not pets. Tea contains caffeine, which can be harmful to dogs. It’s best to store loose tea in a safe container and avoid leaving mugs with used tea bags around where your dog could get a taste.

Almonds can tear a dog’s windpipe

Almonds are not toxic like macadamia nuts, but you should still avoid giving them to your dogs. They can block the esophagus or tear your dog’s windpipe if he tries to swallow them whole. Salted almonds are fatal to dogs prone to heart disease because they can exacerbate the condition by increasing water retention.

Cinnamon can cause irritation

Cinnamon is not toxic to dogs, but it can cause irritation in their mouths. This discomfort might make them sick. Cinnamon can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive problems in dogs. It can also lead to low blood sugar which may cause a dog’s heart rate to increase or decrease. If they breathe in the powder form of cinnamon, it can lead to coughing and choking.

Ice cream can cause stomach pain

Ice cream is delicious and a great summer treat, but it’s not good for dogs. Some dogs are lactose intolerant and can get sick from ice cream because it contains so much sugar. To keep your dog cool in the summer, freeze chunks of strawberries, raspberries, apples, and pineapples. Your dog will love the sweet, icy treat!

Blue cheese can be fatal in large doses

The fungus used in the production of Roquefort and other blue cheeses produces a compound called roquefortine C, which gives these cheeses their distinctive flavor. Dogs are sensitive to the substance in blue cheeses, and they may develop muscle tremors, seizures and even die if they eat enough of it.

Raw bread dough can cause painful bloat

Bread dough containing live yeast can expand in the warm and moist environment of the stomach. Rising bread dough may cause bloating, which can be dangerous for dogs. Vomiting, retching and stomach bloating are all signs of bloat. The dog’s belly may even swell to such a size that it cuts off its own breathing.

Corn on the cob can cause intestinal blockage

Don’t give your dog the cob of an ear of corn. The cob is hard for a dog to digest because it’s so dry and dense, and your dog could experience an intestinal blockage if he consumes it whole. Cut off the cob and give him just the kernels instead.

Cat food contains too much protein

Cat food is formulated to provide more meat-based protein than most dog foods. Some dogs are able to handle a high-protein diet, while others experience health problems if they eat too much protein. If your dog has liver or kidney disease, don’t feed it high-protein foods. If your dog has food allergies, steer clear of cat food.

Baking soda can cause an imbalance of electrolytes

Baking soda and baking powder can be harmful to dogs. If a dog ingests too much of these substances, it can experience electrolyte imbalances, which can cause muscle spasms and heart issues. However, when used in small quantities in a dog-friendly recipe, baking soda is usually safe for dogs to eat.

Citrus fruits can be toxic

Citrus fruits (including the leaves, stems, and peels) are high in citric acid, which is dangerous for dogs. If a dog eats any part of the plant, it can cause an upset stomach or even a serious disease called citrus toxicity.

Dairy wreaks havoc on a dog’s stomach

Most dogs are lactose-intolerant. This means that they cannot tolerate consuming dairy products such as milk and cheese. Eating these things can lead to a variety of stomach issues in dogs, just as it does in humans who are lactose-intolerant. In extreme cases, dogs that consume lactose may experience vomiting and diarrhea. If these symptoms persist, the dog may need hospitalization.

Bacon is too high in salt

When dogs eat high-fat foods like bacon, they can develop pancreatitis. These meats are often high in salt content, too, which can cause upset stomachs and bloat in dogs that drink too much water. Bloat is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Fruit pits cause a multitude of issues

There are several fruits that are toxic to dogs, including peaches, plums and pears. Pits and seeds from these fruits can cause blockages or intestinal issues in dogs, as well as cyanide poisoning. The pit can also splinter and tear a dog’s gums or esophagus.

Popcorn can cause obesity

Corn itself is fine for dogs to eat, but the kernel can be dangerous for pets with smaller throats. Additionally, salty and fatty toppings on popcorn can cause stomach problems in dogs. Over time, this could contribute to kidney damage, obesity, and other health issues.

Coconut can get stuck in a dog’s throat

Coconut is not harmful to dogs when eaten in reasonable amounts, and the lauric acid present in coconut can contribute to a stronger immune system. However, when feeding your dog coconuts, be sure to remove any shells or hairy pieces that could get stuck in the throat.

Human medications can kill

It is a bad idea to give your dog human medicines. Dogs have different nutritional needs than humans, and so it wouldn’t be safe to give them the same treatments we take. It is important to consult your veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog, as human medication – such as ibuprofen – can be fatal if given to animals.

White bread can lead to hospitalization

Commercial white bread contains a lot of oil, sugar and other additives that can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Schnauzers are particularly susceptible to this condition. Pancreatitis can lead to hospitalization and surgery.

Liver can cause anorexia

Ingesting a large amount of liver can be toxic to dogs. Liver toxicity affects their muscles and bones, causing deformed bones and extra bone growth. If a dog ingests a large amount of liver, he or she may develop anorexia (loss of appetite), among other symptoms.

Mustard can lead to gastrointestinal problems

Yellow mustard, Dijon mustard, honey mustard, and mustard sauces all contain dangerous compounds that can cause gastrointestinal issues in canines. Mustard greens can also be harmful to dogs if they eat too much. They may cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach upset.

Tobacco can be fatal

Tobacco is not a food, but it can be found in many households. Nicotine in tobacco can be deadly, especially to puppies. Keep cigarette packs, tobacco and full ashtrays out of your pet’s reach. For a 15 kg dog, 10 cigarette butts or 3 cigarettes could be fatal.